“Do the important things first, even though you’d rather be doing the easy or fun things.” – @AffirmYourLife
Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post!
Try following this 3 step approach as you create change.
A – Awareness
What are your current opportunities? What activity have you been putting off? What are the important things? What could be possible once you started? What is the #1 thing that could move you forward?
W – Work
What can you commit to doing right now? Where can you fit in action – each day? What is you next smallest possible step now that you realize what is possible? What WILL you do today?
E- Evaluation
What’s next? What worked? What adaptations can make so it’s even better? How are you stronger now than when you started? What are the steps you can celebrate so far? Now that the most important task is out of the way – what’s next?
Additional A.W.E. Inspired quotes are available here:
Change Write It Courage Greatness Action Thinking Doing Do It Time Hard Balance Choices Possibilities Lessons Success Show Up Destination Choice Goals Pain Completion Limits Opportunity Journey Stop Harder Wish
Arrive Great Places Expect Effort Not Strength Now
I challenge you to be A.W.E’d today. What have you accomplished? What is still possible? What are you willing to do today that you have been putting off?
I’m curious – are you AWE Inspired? Please post your comments below!
Would you like some support accomplishing the IMPORTANT?
With individualized coaching I can guarantee you that we can lighten your load, take away the tasks that you hate to do, and unlock the true joys of having a time management plan that works! It’s time to think big – and DO big!
Call me now! 440-537-3811 or contact me here! I am waiting to hear from you. Let’s take that stress away starting right now! Starting today!
Oh Lisa! I am a huge procrastinator. I realize that I spend far more time fretting about what needs to be done than actually doing it and putting it behind me. I’m working at it and this post was encouraging. Do the important things first. Prioritize. Thank you.
You are most welcome, Cathy! I appreciate your comment. My favorite procrastination strategy – set a timer, and when it goes off, you MUST do the #1 most important task. I make it a game!
Lisa, I’m visiting from the UBC. I love your approach! And your affection for chocolate! I am all about the energetics of transformation, and your advice is right in sync with my recommendations to clients: do the unfun first. It releases a lot of energy! Thanks for a wonderful post.
Thanks for stopping by. I love your view point on my very “logical” approach! AWESOME!
Another great post Lisa and timely as I continue with the downsizing of our home. It is so easy to not see the forest for the trees when we start focusing on the small, detail stuff rather than getting the big rocks out of the way. Great reminder.
Glad you found value!!!! I love the idea of “big stuff first” then work out the rest!!! I always think of the exercise Stephen Covey did with the rocks and the sand.
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[…] Arrive Great Places Expect Effort Not Strength Now Important First […]
[…] Arrive Great Places Expect Effort Not Strength Now Important First […]