How to Stay on Track During the Day

2023-06-27T11:55:16-04:00By |AWE|

Staying focused and productive throughout the day can be a challenge, especially for business owners. With countless notifications popping up on our phones and computers, it's easy to get distracted, go down a rabbit hole, and lose track of time. In fact, according to an Asurion study, the average person checks their phone every 12 minutes, with top users checking their phones up to [...]

Questions to ask a Productivity Coach

2022-05-24T13:23:23-04:00By |AWE, Checklists & Systems, Productivity|

Now that you’ve recognized you need a productivity coach, the next step is figuring out who is the right fit for you! I chose some of the questions that potential clients ask me (and they tend to be the same questions I ask when looking for a coach) to help you narrow it down. Let’s start with questions you should ask internally.  [...]

As Soon as This Project Is Finished…

2022-07-13T12:32:14-04:00By |AWE, Productivity|

One of the goals my client shared with me is to not take work home to do in the evenings or on weekends. She often took that time to catch up on a project or two when she should be relaxing! She came to our coaching call last week frustrated. She had spent a couple of hours over the weekend holed up in her [...]

The Top 3 Causes of Stress for Business Owners

2022-07-25T12:48:20-04:00By |AWE|

According to researchers, the top 3 challenges entrepreneurs face that cause stress are: 1. Access to Capital 2. Time Management 3. Managing Difficult Clients Here’s the deal – I can’t help you with access to capital or managing difficult clients, but I can certainly help you reduce the time stress in your day using the very simple A.W.E. method. Awareness – What is it [...]

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