Welcome to another A.W.E Inspired post!

[Tweet “Life is like a turtle. You won’t get very far unless you stick out your neck” – Unknown]

Try following this 3 step approach as you create change.

A – Awareness

What do you want to change? What have you tried before? What is standing in your way? What are you willing to do? What are you willing to give-up? What resources do you need?

W – Work

Action steps – create a plan! What will you do today to start you on the path of making this change?  Delegate?  Delete?  Create a power hour?  Network?  Turn off the TV?  Practice self-care?

E- Evaluation

What worked?  What didn’t?  How will you need to fine tune your plan?


I challenge you to be A.W.E’d today.  What does “life is like a turtle. You won’t get very far unless you stick out your neck.” mean to you?