“The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places.”

Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post!


Try following this 3 step approach as you create change.

A – Awareness

What is your intention for today?  What is important to you?  What distractions or obstacles could stand in your way – and cause you to park?

W – Work

What can you do today to move forward in a positive way?  What strategy can you use to stay on the road to success?  How can you ensure you continue to move forward?

E- Evaluation

What’s next?  What worked?  What didn’t?  Now what?

[Tweet “Keep moving forward – no parking allowed!”]

Additional A.W.E. Inspired quotes are available here:

Change                                            Write It

Courage                                          Greatness

Action                                             Thinking

Doing                                              Do It

Time                                               Hard

Balance                                         Choices

Possibilities                                 Lessons

I challenge you to be A.W.E’d today. How can you create the life you want to live? How can you stay on the path?

   Please post below!

Are you looking for a little support?  Are you ready to create consistent activity?

Take the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals by joining The 30 Day A.W.E. Inspired Challenge!

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This challenge is designed to help participants stay on track now and in the future.

I’ll offer strategies to create balance, encouragement to take some “me time”, techniques to maintain (or even increase) momentum, and provide a vehicle for external accountability.

It’s virtual, it’s self-paced, and it’s free!

For additional information – click here!