“Never say never, because limits like fears, are often just an illusion.” – Michael Jordan
Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post!
Try following this 3 step approach as you create change.
A – Awareness
What are you allowing to limit you? What actions are you considering taking, but holding back based on fear? What could be possible when you take an action? What illusion can you bust?
W – Work
What can you commit to doing right now? Where can you fit in action? What is you next smallest possible step? How can you move forward today?
E- Evaluation
What’s next? What worked? What didn’t? How can you adapt? How are you stronger now than when you started?
[Tweet “”Never say never, because limits like fears, are often just an illusion.” – Michael Jordan”]Additional A.W.E. Inspired quotes are available here:
I challenge you to be A.W.E’d today. What choices can you make today so you can reduce fear? What’s possible when you eliminate the illusion? What do you commit to today?
I’m curious – are you AWE Inspired? Please post your comments below!
Fear keeps us from knowing what is on the other side of ‘the door’, but unless we step up to it and knock, forget it. It’s up to each of us to step up to our door, which is just an illusion separating us from our inner resources, and knock.
Rachel –
Thanks for the eloquent, inspiring comment!
So challenging and inspirational – we should never let fear get in the way of pursuing our dreams. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Laurel for your comment. What dream are you currently pursuing?
Thanks for the encouragement, Lisa. I’m always busy with something, and you’re suggesting that my “busyness” might be a tactic I use to avoid what I fear. So I’ll pause now and then to examine whether I’m deliberately avoiding something. Thanks in advance for keeping me on target.
Thanks for the comment. Let me know if you find any new awareness around business and busyness!
This is one of my fave quotes Lisa! Fear can be a pain in the you know what, but when you tackle it head on by moving forward despite your fears, you become unstoppable!
Hi Julie
I agree . . . momentum can overcome many obstacles!!!! Thanks for your comment.
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