“Action is the prerequisite to completion!”

Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post!


Try following this 3 step approach as you create change.

A – Awareness

What are you trying to complete?  What actions are you considering taking?  What could be possible when you take an action?  What will completion feel like?

W – Work

What can you commit to doing right now?  Where can you fit in action?  What is you next smallest possible step?

E- Evaluation

What’s next?  What worked?  What didn’t?  How can you adapt?

[Tweet “Action is the prerequisite to completion!”]

Additional A.W.E. Inspired quotes are available here:

Change                                            Write It

Courage                                          Greatness

Action                                             Thinking

Doing                                              Do It

Time                                               Hard

Balance                                         Choices

Possibilities                                 Lessons

Success                                        Show Up

Destination                                 Choice

Goals                                            Pain

I challenge you to be A.W.E’d today. What choices can you make today so you can create completion? What’s possible?  What do you commit to today?

I’m curious – are you AWE Inspired?  Please post your comments below!