Multi-tasking, multi-tasking, multi-tasking!!! Good time management strategy? Poor time management strategy? This is certainly an interesting topic in time management circles.
- Some experts claim that multi-tasking is nonproductive in all instances.
- Others claim that multi-tasking can be beneficial.
- Still others straddle the line stating that multi-tasking could be helpful, depending on the circumstance.
Regardless of what the experts believe, advocate, and teach – the reality is that many (many, many, many!) people do multi-task. Previously, I created a post for Get Organised (a FABULOUS company with offices in South Africa and Ireland) that explores the top three reasons why people multi-task.
Today’s post – the next one in the series examines one of the CONS of multi-tasking . . . safety. If your attention is divided between two tasks – are you putting yourself at risk? I’ve gathered stories from all over the globe demonstrating that multi-tasking can be unsafe.
I invite you to explore these amusing, scary, and interesting results of multi-tasking.
Please jump on over to the Get Organised Blog and check it out!
Please leave a comment!!!
My twelve-year-old son loves video games. He told me yesterday gamers were better at multi-tasking than non gamers. I thought to myself… it isn’t always such a great thing to multitask constantly!
So glad I found you today via the Ultimate Blog Challenge!
Julie –
Thanks for stopping by! I agree . . . it isn’t always such a great thing to multi-task! :) I’m so excited to create this series of blog posts for Get Organised, as I’m writing the pros and cons . . . and finding it tougher and tougher to show the pros! :) So glad you found me through the UBC!
Sometimes I simply must multi-task, especially with tasks that have little bits of down time built into them. It would probably be more productive to use that time for mini-breaks or meditating or something, but instead I cram something else into the cracks. It makes me feel less desperate about everything that needs to get done, at least.
No multitasking by texting and walking/driving, though! That can get you run over!!
Theresa –
That CAN get you run over! :) Thanks for your comment . . . it reminds me that sometimes we rush, rush, rush all day long . . . and we COULD use the time to take some mini-breaks! I appreciate your thoughts!
I can see pros and cons to multitasking in my own life. I’m pretty sure have undiagnosed ADD so it comes naturally. The cons is when I drive and talk on the phone. It’s has not been outlawed where I live and I seem to be able to handle it very well. I’ve never served or had a “close miss” but I know it’s not a smart idea. It seems though that sometimes, I don’t have time to talk on the phone unless I’m doing something else. I suppose I should plan that multitasking event for when I’m making dinner or doing the dishes.
Missy Bell
Missy –
Good point . . . planning the talking on the phone during a different task. I appreciate your comment!
I believe that there are certain things that can’t be multi-tasked and still done efficiently. I’m sure you remember my story of driving and changing my shoes. ;)
I’ve actually slowed down on the multi-tasking since I was in high school and I’ve noticed huge improvements. Everything was mult-tasked in high school and college. I would listen to music as I did homework, as I browsed Facebook. I’m really not sure how I graduated….. but somehow I did.
Nowadays I prefer to take on one task at a time, especially if it’s something that needs my complete focus.
Keri –
I do remember your story!! I think when we are younger we are always in a rush and feel invincible – which leads to lots of “changing my shoes while driving stories”. For many of us, once we mature, we start to “stop and smell the roses” and learn to be more in the moment . . . At least – that’s my hope! :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi Lisa
I think there are places for multi tasking, but I believe sometimes it can be downright rude! I find at work, while I’m discussing an issue with my boss, she is “multi tasking” and checking messages on her mobile, emails, responding to emails (!), etc. There are times when you need to be focused on just one thing at a time, even if only to show some respect.
Tamsin –
I couldn’t agree more . . . and the social aspect of multi-tasking is going to be my next “con” post! I really appreciate your comment, thanks for stopping by!