Did you know that asking a new kind of question can immediately change your life?

My new friend, author Noah St. John, has just released his new book from Hay House, The Book of Afformations: Discovering The Missing Piece to Abundant Health, Wealth, Love, and Happiness and it’s an amazing read.

Noah tells the story of how he invented Afformations one morning in 1997. He was in the shower when he asked himself a question that changed his life: Why are we trying to change our lives saying statements we don’t believe when the human mind responds automatically to something even more powerful?

I’ve mentioned my experience with Afformations in previous blog posts.  In the past, I had always felt somewhat disconnected and “fake” when I would say my afFIRmations in the morning.  “I happy, healthy, safe, and successful – NOW.”  Only, I didn’t really feel happy, healthy, safe OR successful.  So, though I was SAYING it – I wasn’t really FEELING it!

Then, I was introduced to Noah St. John and afFORmations.  The act of asking WHY!  “Why am I happy, healthy, safe, and successful – NOW?”  With this little, but powerful switch, my brain is figuring out the answers . . . working out the solutions . . . and I’m excited and comfortable with the process.  I no longer feel like I’m lying to myself, or tricking myself!

Here are just a few of the remarkable, real-life stories from people around the world who have used Noah’s Afformations Method to change their lives…

  • A home-based business owner in Virginia had tried for four years to qualify for the car her company uses as an incentive for sales performance. No luck. She heard Noah speak about Afformations at her company’s annual convention, started using them immediately, and qualified for her first company car 90 days later.


  • Michael from Germany was a chronic procrastinator. He and his wife Silvia had decided to get a divorce. In fact, the divorce papers were on the desk waiting to be signed. At the last moment, Michael decided to share Noah’s teaching of Afformations with Silvia. Something switched. They decided not to get a divorce, are best friends again, and share their list of Afformations with each other every day.


  • George from Texas was, in his words, “working like a slave” but his business was far from successful. His family life was also a mess, having just gone through a painful divorce. A friend told him about Afformations and he started using Noah’s methods. Today George’s company brings in $6 million in revenues and he is happily married to the woman of his dreams.


  • Michael was very dissatisfied with his job. He often wondered why he bothered to come into work at all. Then he heard about Afformations and started using them. A few weeks later, Michael approached his company’s CEO with a proposal for a new position. The proposal was accepted and Michael created his own dream job at more than twice his original salary.


  • Barbara, a home-based business owner from Alabama, was frustrated because she knew she should be a lot more successful. A friend told her about Noah St. John and Afformations, and Barbara started using Afformations to grow her business. She went on to have the best year of her career.

Intrigued?  Want additional information?  My friend and mentor, Stephanie Calahan will be interviewing Noah on October 31st.

Join Stephanie for How to Train Your Subconscious to Work With You to Reach Your Wildest Dreams 
When: October 31, 2013
11:00am PST / 12:00pm MST / 1:00pm CST / 2:00pm EST

Register HERE!


Have you tried Afformations?  Have you tried Affirmations?  How do you stay positive, productive, mentally strong each day?  Please share!