“What time management challenge are you most concerned about?”  I asked this question in a recent newsletter and the response was overwhelming!


The number one response I received was . . . (drum roll please!)


Especially in the area of goal setting.

  • How many New Year’s Resolutions are on your list?
  • Should you work on 5 or 6 goals simultaneously?
  • Or should you focus on one goal until completion?
  • Or, should you work on one goal until you have made a good amount of progress – and then start working on your second goal?
  • Plus, how do you decide where to start?

Good news, I have a fabulous resource you can to help you answer these questions and more!

It is time for Create an A.W.E. Inspired 2014 – Focused Action to be Proud Of

a free teleseminar on January 15th at 7 pm EST!

  • If you have created New Year’s Resolutions in the past, only to fall short on the follow-through, you don’t want to miss this free teleseminar.
  • If you created a list of New Year’s Resolutions in 2013, only to get distracted by the hectic pace of your day to day life, you don’t want to miss this free teleseminar.
  • If you are struggling to decide which New Year’s Resolution is the most important to focus on first, you don’t want to miss this free teleseminar.

Imagine this new reality for 2014 . . .

  • You know which New Year’s Resolutions are the most important and you have a clear path to follow to accomplish these goals!
  • You walk into your office and have a clear plan of what task to complete first.
  • You are able to work uninterrupted on high value tasks pushing you closer and closer to achieving your goal.
  • You are able to structure your day so you have time for family and friends – not just work, work, work.

In over ten years of working with overwhelmed professionals, I realize how quickly your day can run out of control. This FREE one hour teleseminar on January 15th at 7 pm EST will allow you to regain control of your schedule and your business – just in time to create action on your New Year’s Resolutions!

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This is what I’ll be covering on this action-packed teleseminar:

•How to powerfully choose the New Year’s Resolution to focus on in 2014.
•Become aware of where your time is going.
•Techniques to propel you from where you are RIGHT NOW to where you WANT TO be!


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It’s your turn – what is your #1 time management challenge?  Please post below!

Wishing you an AWE filled day!