Recently, a potential client remarked, “I’m putting everything I have into building my business.  I’ll spend more time with my family once my business is in a good place.”

I asked, “How will you know when you reach ‘a good place’?”

I wasn’t trying to be difficult – but often we get caught up in our day to day life  and  lose sight of what we are trying to build.  The goals we are trying to reach.  The amount of time we spend on activities we really value.

Create-AWE-Inspired-Action-300x267I was fortunate to be able to discuss this challenge – and my strategy for creating change with Kelly Galea on her Creative in Business Show on Blog Talk Radio.

Kelly Galea, former corporate hostage turned creative entrepreneur! Her expertise as a coach is understanding your passions, talents and skills and looking at how you can best put them to use in your own creative business.

I invite you to check out this episode “Create A.W.E. Inspired Action”.  We discuss creating awareness around what you are doing and what you want to be doing.  Plus, my number one strategy for choosing a task on your task list when you are overwhelmed and the importance of evaluating what is and isn’t working.

[tweetability]Are you looking to make a change today?[/tweetability]  Listen in!

I promise the 30 minute show just flies by . . . Kelly is so interesting, plus lots of laughing!!


After you listen – please leave a comment . . . what was your favorite part?  What questions do you have?

(Image credit Stuart Miles)