It’s YOUR Turn!

2016-12-07T20:00:32-05:00By |Overwhelm, Prioritizing|

How do you fill up your cup?  What activities GIVE you energy?  How can you recharge your batteries? Stop – and really think about this! Write a list! What do you love doing? How do you relax? (Do you need a little help getting started?  Here's some ideas: baking, sleeping, reading, meditating, exercising, yoga, being in nature, watching a romantic comedy, laughing with friends [...]

What’s On Your Holiday Plate?

2016-12-07T20:00:34-05:00By |Calendars, Checklists & Systems, Multi-tasking, Overwhelm, Prioritizing|

We are continuing our journey to a Stress Free Holiday Season.  You deserve to enjoy each and every day of your life - especially the days at the end of the year that tend to be super hectic.  We tend to try to finish up some professional year-end goals and at the same time really crave some quality time with family and friends. It [...]

Another Take on the Magic Number 168

2016-12-07T20:00:35-05:00By |Awesome People, Checklists & Systems, Overwhelm, Prioritizing|

Previously I've written about how the number 168 has magical time management powers.   (OK - maybe not magical powers, but using the fact that there are 168 hours in the week, and determining how to allocate them ahead of time, is certainly a powerful time management principle.) [Tweet "Being proactive instead of reactive with your time is powerful."] No Refusal Payday Loans AND [...]

How Not to Spend All Day, Every Day Reading the Newspaper

2016-12-07T20:00:45-05:00By |Overwhelm, Prioritizing|

Real Life Time Management Scenario #8 -  “I feel that I must read newspapers before I can recycle them.  I don’t put my subscription on hold when I go out of town.  So then I have a ton of papers to go through when I get back, along with the new ones.  I feel that I might be missing something that I should or [...]

The Solution for “I Don’t Know Where to Start”

2016-12-07T20:00:46-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Overwhelm|

I am super excited to attack today's time management challenge head on!  The idea of being overwhelmed when starting a new project is common - and one I hear often during workshops. But, before jumping into Real Life Scenario #6 -  “I have a great idea, but I don’t know where to start, and the project is floundering. I will probably give it up and just [...]

How to WIN the “little slips of paper” battle!

2016-12-07T20:00:47-05:00By |Overwhelm, Products|

Today's scenario is near and dear to my heart!  Usually I serve my clients in the virtual arena - but every so often I'll meet someone for our first session in their work space.  AND - usually the first thing I notice is the "little stacks of paper" or "post-it notes" or " post-it notes, little slips of paper, and multiple notebooks" scattered on [...]

What is Your Greatest Time Management Challenge?

2016-12-07T20:00:48-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Delegation and Elimination, Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set, Overwhelm, Prioritizing|

Every one of us is different - and we each face different obstacles - with our lives and our businesses.   That’s why one-size-fits-all solutions don’t always speak to people. This is especially true when we talk about time management.  We need to see how a particular time management strategy or technique will address our specific situation if we have any hope of creating [...]

The Value of Coaching: Carol’s Story

2016-12-07T20:00:50-05:00By |Awesome People, Overwhelm|

Today I want to share with you a slice of Carol's  life, and how partnering with a coach helped decrease her stress and increase her productivity.   Carol is a former client, and  I believe you may be able to relate a bit to her story! Carol decided that she wanted a major change in her life, so she took a leap of faith [...]

One Quick Way to Clear Your Head

2016-12-07T20:00:58-05:00By |Overwhelm|

This week, I'm visiting family in sunny Florida!  Since I'm away - but you are still here - I thought I'd answer a time management question.  Remember - each day is a process - keep moving forward! [newsletter-sign-up-form]   Dear SystemSavvy, I have so much on my mind, I feel like I’m spinning in a million directions at once.  What should I do? Sincerely, [...]

Top 10 Solutions for Overwhelm

2016-12-07T20:00:59-05:00By |Overwhelm|

Have you ever felt overwhelmed?  Can you relate to any of these statements?  (FYI - these are all statements I heard from my clients in the last 24 hours. My brain feels like it's spinning in a hundred directions today. When I feel overwhelmed like this, I just can't make a decision on what to do next. I'm trying to choose between 10 different [...]

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