The Distractions & Procrastination category focuses on reducing procrastination and overcoming distractions.

What is Your Procrastination Trigger?

2022-11-29T10:29:11-05:00By |bottleneck, Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set, Prioritizing, Productivity|

According to Tim Pychyl, author of Solving the Procrastination Puzzle, everyone procrastinates. The key to increasing your productivity is decreasing the time you procrastinate. Simple, right?  Not usually!  In order to decrease the amount of time you procrastinate, you must know the answers to these questions:  What tasks do you typically put off doing?  What’s the stopping point or trigger on these tasks?  How do you [...]

WFH Week: Limiting Distractions

2022-10-18T13:33:51-04:00By |Distractions and Procrastination, self-care|

Limiting distractions is one of the many challenges facing business owners since 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to work from home more than ever before. And while this has been a great way to save on office space and expenses, as a business owner, it can also be challenging to stay productive and maintain a healthy work/life balance. One of [...]

Are You Procrastinating or Do You Need a Break?

2020-06-15T12:08:11-04:00By |capacity, Distractions and Procrastination|

"I just can’t!” Admit it - sometimes we can just get so overwhelmed that making one more decision or doing one more thing is impossible to imagine. I’ve hit this point recently, and last week two of my clients did also. Is this procrastination - or do you just need a break? Here’s the Wikipedia definition of procrastination. “Procrastination is the avoidance of doing a [...]

How to Identify the REAL Problem – Fix What’s Broken

2020-08-12T11:05:20-04:00By |Distractions and Procrastination|

One of the underlying philosophies I use when I work with leaders and teams is "if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” It is important to dig into whatever the underlying cause is of the challenge and only “fix” that part that isn’t working, rather than trying to fix everything. For example, recently one of the organizations I’ve been working with thought they had a problem [...]

A Hidden Factor of Productivity

2018-09-12T09:44:00-04:00By |Distractions and Procrastination|

It's common knowledge that there are many things that affect productivity - level of focus and alertness, distractions, organization... But did you know that the temperature factors into the equation? Chris Bailey, in A Life of Productivity, explains that setting your office temperature to around 72 will help with peak performance. Being physically uncomfortable is just another distraction you do NOT need if you [...]

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