Previously I’ve written about how the number 168 has magical time management powers.   (OK – maybe not magical powers, but using the fact that there are 168 hours in the week, and determining how to allocate them ahead of time, is certainly a powerful time management principle.)

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AND I’ve made reference many times to the fact that not all time management strategies work for everyone.  The key is to find and adapt the system so it works for YOU, not you working for IT.

Gabe ArnoldToday I want to share the story of how a motivated entrepreneur, Gabe Arnold, embraced the philosophy of using 168, adapted the concept to really work for him, and is having huge success in his business and on his time management journey.

In Gabe’s words – here is his time management challenge:

A couple months back I found myself in a very familiar position. I had 18 very important things to do all in one day. I hate feeling like that and so I said to myself “Self, maybe time management is a good idea after all!”

Here’s his solution:

  1. Start by listing everything you care about  (getting clear on your priorities is KEY)
  2. Assign the time you want to each activity  (this is when reality steps in – only 168 hours in a week – how will you spend it?)
  3. Create a strategy (here is where he adapted to fit his work style and  his brilliance)
  4. Does it work?  (the genius is in the debrief!)

What he discovered about his work style, his personality, and his priorities is eye-opening.  If you’ve ever felt like you have too much to do and not enough time, Gabe’s adaptation to the 168 Rule may be your missing piece.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  One of Gabe’s gifts is that he is a very articulate writer.  Trust me, you will be missing A LOT if you don’t jump over and read his entire post:  How the Magic Number 168 Changed My Life for Good.  Plus he’s offering a free time management worksheet!

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