Too Much To Do and Not Enough Time?

2022-07-18T13:44:29-04:00By |bottleneck|

What if you were sure that the biggest productivity bottleneck you face with your productivity is that you have too much to do and not enough time . . . but really, that’s not the problem at all! Let me introduce Diana. She believes her biggest challenge with productivity is that she often has 2 tasks that need to be done at the same [...]

I Was Mortified that No One Would Hire Me !

2022-07-18T13:53:50-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Recently while scrolling on Facebook, I noticed a post from a colleague who had just hired a coach – not just any coach, but one who does almost exactly the same work I do. Why wouldn't she hire me? My first thought? "I can't believe she didn't hire me!" My second thought? "I can't believe she didn't hire me!" And finally, I got that [...]

Time Management: Are You the Problem?

2022-07-18T14:03:30-04:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Each quarter, I track my time for a week. Time Management is crucial to the success of my business. However, I’m not going to lie – I HATE doing it! It seems so tedious. Plus, I ALWAYS find something I don’t like when I’m done tracking. I know I should appreciate the new knowledge because how can I fix the problems I find without [...]

The Top 3 Causes of Stress for Business Owners

2022-07-25T12:48:20-04:00By |AWE|

According to researchers, the top 3 challenges entrepreneurs face that cause stress are: 1. Access to Capital 2. Time Management 3. Managing Difficult Clients Here’s the deal – I can’t help you with access to capital or managing difficult clients, but I can certainly help you reduce the time stress in your day using the very simple A.W.E. method. Awareness – What is it [...]

Business Transitions: Tag – You’re IT!

2022-07-25T13:03:42-04:00By |Checklists & Systems, Leadership|

When you are a one-woman show, you don’t really need to worry about transitions and things falling through the cracks. As long as you have a better-than-average capture system, you can reasonably expect to stay on top of most of the details in your business. But, the thing about one-woman shows ... you are doing it ALL. This means you are limited in the [...]

Productivity vs Efficiency

2022-08-08T12:21:06-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Productivity|

What's the key difference between productivity and efficiency? "Productivity" - is an enticing buzzword that keeps many small business owners running in circles. (In fact, I called myself a “productivity consultant” for a while!) You know what I mean . . . the next new "shiny object." Always looking for the newest productivity app, productivity book, and anything you can get your hands on [...]

3 Steps to Get More Done

2020-10-19T14:00:01-04:00By |Calendars, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

In June, I finished up my second one-year term as the president of NAWBO Cleveland. In July, I took some time to breathe. In August, I realized I had about 8 hours a week “extra” in my schedule, so I vowed to use each and every one of those hours wisely. See, I know ALL about Parkinson’s Law . . . and realized that [...]

Exhausted From Running Your Business?

2020-09-14T08:44:31-04:00By |capacity, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

“My schedule is so packed – I’m exhausted 80% of the time,” exclaimed a friend of mine, a business owner I greatly admire. Someone who, frankly, really has her $%!* together. See, the thing about being productive, effective, and efficient is the target keeps moving. The time management skills that got you this far aren’t the same ones you need as your business grows. [...]

How to Find More Time With Strategic Delegation

2020-08-20T11:50:30-04:00By |Awesome People, Delegation and Elimination, Financial Advisors|

The way to really grow your business is to stay in your Zone of Genius, doing the work in which you excel and moving the rest off your to-do list. Let’s face it – you can only do so much by yourself. At some point, you run out of time and mental capacity! After all, when you try to do EVERYTHING, something suffers. Your [...]

Create Time With Automation

2020-08-12T11:03:59-04:00By |Uncategorized|

... And Have More Time to Enjoy Summer “If you had an extra hour each day, what would you do with it?” Whenever I ask this question, responses vary . . . kayaking, spending time with kids, reading, taking a bath, virtual happy hour with friends, and the list goes on. Seldom, very seldom, do I hear “work more”! It’s so easy for work to [...]

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