What if you were sure that the biggest productivity bottleneck you face with your productivity is that you have too much to do and not enough time . . . but really, that’s not the problem at all!
Let me introduce Diana.
She believes her biggest challenge with productivity is that she often has 2 tasks that need to be done at the same time. One she knows about and has created a plan on how and when to finish it. The other pops up unexpectedly – and throws her schedule off.
Now, when faced with these two conflicting priorities, she’s running out of time!
This means the stress increases, the hours spent working increase, and the time for fun decreases. (Let me tell you – Diana loves fun! Work hard, play hard!)
Diana is a brilliant businesswoman and a serious personal and professional development student.
So, she sets out to create some strategies to fix this challenge.
And – they work.
Well, kind of!
You see, Diana identified a productivity bottleneck . . . so she DOES have some success with her strategies.
But it isn’t a long-term success.
Because she fixed the WRONG PROBLEM.
[su_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/8IyMx3aVEYk” width=”360″ height=”280″]
Now don’t be too hard on Diana – the truth is, she is NOT alone! I’ve done tons of these “Guess Your Productivity Bottleneck” sessions, and EVERYONE has identified the wrong bottleneck.
This means lots of wheel spinning, frustration, and extra hours at the office!
The key to identifying your BIGGEST, BADDEST, most BAFFLING Bottleneck is to dig below the surface!
What’s the struggle that is actually causing the pain you are currently identifying?
Once you figure this out you can start to attack the REAL Productivity Bottleneck in your business.
This isn’t easy! Let’s face it – you can’t see the frame if you are in the picture!
That’s why I created Fix Your Productivity Bottleneck in 28 Days. Here you’ll get my secret formula for how to find your true bottleneck, customizable strategies so you can actually FIX the problem for good, and ongoing implementation tactics.
This is the first time I’m offering these solutions in a group setting – which means I’m limiting enrollment to only 8 participants. It’s important to me that I have the time to make sure I can dig deep with each person.
AND . . . you are getting the experience at the lowest rate it will ever be.
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