What’s the key difference between productivity and efficiency?

“Productivity” – is an enticing buzzword that keeps many small business owners running in circles. (In fact, I called myself a “productivity consultant” for a while!)

You know what I mean . . . the next new “shiny object.” Always looking for the newest productivity app, productivity book, and anything you can get your hands on that might make you feel more effective in your business. Anything to help you feel like you are no longer “trying to catch up” but are actually CAUGHT UP!

But what you really want is efficiency!

According to Adrienne Dorison from Run Like Clockwork:

Productivity doesn’t ensure that we’re working on the most important tasks, and it doesn’t ensure the growth and sustainability of a business in the long-term. Efficiency ensures that business operations get easier over time.

So how do you know whether you’re being efficient or merely productive?

• Are you constantly busy (productivity), or always learning to streamline better (efficiency)?
• Are you always feeling an urge to tack something else onto your to-do list (productivity), or developing clearer goals and cutting out what doesn’t yield results (efficiency)?

The difference between productive and efficient businesses:

• Productive businesses rely on the constant efforts of the business owner and the team. This is how they keep generating profit.
• Efficient businesses rely on the effectiveness of streamlined systems that were set up in advance.

In other words, productive businesses rely on hard labor, while efficient businesses rely on expertise.

What about you? Are you being efficient and productive?

The easiest way to tell – track your time.

  • How much time do you spend in your Zone of Genius, doing tasks that move your business forward AND that you love to do? AND…
  • How much time do you spend fighting fires, answering emails, doing administrative tasks, and finishing up “stuff”?

The key? Stay in your Zone of Genius!

Wondering how to DO this?

We cover how to stay in your Zone of Genius and other strategies that allow you to take time away from your business (without the business suffering) in our sister company, Delegate Like a Pro. Click to register for the next free Delegate Express Zone and learn more! 

Delegate Like A Pro is the brainchild of Lisa Crilley Mallis and Laura Licursi (Elite Virtual Assistants)! It’s the go-to place for all of your delegation, productivity, and efficiency questions. Check out the next Delegate Express Zone, a free 30-minute zoom session where Lisa and Laura can answer your questions and help uncover new strategies to get your work-life balance back in order. Or! Register for the next Accelerator workshop, a half-day workshop where Lisa and Laura can help you deep dive into your delegation education.

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