When you are a one-woman show, you don’t really need to worry about transitions and things falling through the cracks. As long as you have a better-than-average capture system, you can reasonably expect to stay on top of most of the details in your business.

But, the thing about one-woman shows … you are doing it ALL. This means you are limited in the amount of time you can work in your Zone of Genius, which limits the enjoyment you can get from your business. (Let’s face it – there are just some tasks in our businesses that just aren’t fun!)

The key is to bring on some help.

Good news – once you have more hands in your business, you can do more of the work you love!
Bad news – once you have more hands in your business, there is more opportunity for things to fall through the cracks!

In my experience working with many business owners, I’ve found the #1 place where things fall through the cracks is where the task transitions between multiple people.

You do your part.

They are supposed to do their part.

But they don’t.

Now, take a breath. They didn’t choose to lack on their part because they are bad employees! They didn’t do their part because they didn’t know it was their turn!

What you need is a “tag – you are it” system so when the task transitions from one person to the next, they KNOW it is their turn to pick up the ball. (Yes – I’m mixing my childhood games here – but you get the gist!)

At Impactive Strategies, we use Asana as our trigger for when it’s time for someone else to begin working.

  • You could use an online Project Management system like Asana.
  • You could use an Excel spreadsheet.
  • You could use an old-fashioned landline and just call someone.

The key is creating a system so that projects move seamlessly from one person to the next.

Not sure what type of transitions system works best for your business? Schedule a 20-minute Action Call!

NOTE:  When we chat, we will be focused on identifying the right action steps for you. This truly is an ACTION CALL – you’ll walk away with a specialized plan unique to your situation.

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