About Lisa Mallis

Lisa Crilley Mallis, lover of chocolate, the beach, and country music. and owner of SystemSavvy Consulting, LLC is a time strategy visionary. She is a master at cutting to the heart of overwhelm to help you regain control of your schedule and experience life. Lisa assists overextended and overwhelmed professionals to implement concrete techniques that can be applied immediately to their daily lives. You can live a life where every day is productive, rewarding, and fun! Need an article for your e-newsletter? Why not use one of mine? Just keep the copyright/author information intact. I post new articles each week so please keep coming back.

Start Today to Streamline Your Schedule

2016-12-07T20:00:48-05:00By |Calendars|

As promised, I'm continuing my focus this month on offering solutions to some of my clients most common time management challenges. Hopefully by using this approach – you will be able to identify with the challenge and implement a solution that works for you! In the last post of this series, I addressed “This may sound ridiculous, but I’m so busy, I don’t even have time [...]

AWE Inspired – Important First

2016-12-07T20:00:48-05:00By |AWE|

"Do the important things first, even though you'd rather be doing the easy or fun things." - @AffirmYourLife Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post! Try following this 3 step approach as you create change. A - Awareness What are your current opportunities?  What activity have you been putting off?  What are the important things?  What could be possible once you started?   What is [...]

My #1 Tip for How to Overcome “I just don’t have time to learn”

2016-12-07T20:00:48-05:00By |Calendars, Prioritizing|

Real people.  Real time management challenges.  Real strategies.  Easy to implement solutions.  Getting into the nitty gritty every day details of time management is my focus for the month.  I'm excited about this focus - as I'm a huge believer in taking action - and I envision a lot of opportunities for action takers this month!!!!! Real Scenario #1:  “This may sound ridiculous, but [...]

What is Your Greatest Time Management Challenge?

2016-12-07T20:00:48-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Delegation and Elimination, Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set, Overwhelm, Prioritizing|

Every one of us is different - and we each face different obstacles - with our lives and our businesses.   That’s why one-size-fits-all solutions don’t always speak to people. This is especially true when we talk about time management.  We need to see how a particular time management strategy or technique will address our specific situation if we have any hope of creating [...]

Delegating – A Success Story

2016-12-07T20:00:49-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Why is it so hard for us to delegate? The idea of getting someone to help us out with some of our tasks seems pretty straightforward. And yet, for some reason, we tend to tackle the work ourselves. “It’s simpler this way,” we say. “In the time it takes me to teach someone else how to do the task, I could be halfway done [...]

Reach for the Stars – You Just Might Make It

2016-12-07T20:00:49-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Last week I shared a part of my journey with you as I published my first book on Amazon for Kindle, Your Time, Your Life.  During the free promo period, my goal was to hit the top #100.  Many of you have asked, "So, Lisa - did you hit your goal?" Now, remember, this is my first book . . . and I really [...]

AWE Inspired – Now

2016-12-07T20:00:49-05:00By |AWE|

"Don't wait!  You are ready now.  Tomorrow you will be wiser and realize that you really should have started yesterday." - Sonia Alleyne Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post! Try following this 3 step approach as you create change. A - Awareness What are your current opportunities?  What activity have you been putting off?  Where can you apply focused action?  What could be possible [...]

I Can’t Put PEOPLE in the Parking Lot! Now What?

2016-12-07T20:00:49-05:00By |Distractions and Procrastination|

One of my favorite distraction busting techniques is to "park" ideas as they pop into your head.  Then, once you finish the task at hand, go back to the ideas in your parking lot and decide what to do with them.  From a time management and choice management stand point, this is a much for effective use of your time than switching tasks each [...]

Stepping Out to Step Up

2016-12-07T20:00:50-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Products|

People want to help.  Really.  This I can most definitely tell you today.  The key is, you need to ask! Let me tell you a story . . . I had written a book for a telesummit I was to be a part of - and then hadn't done much with it. While talking with a friend of mine about this book, she shared [...]

AWE Inspired – Effort Not Strength

2016-12-07T20:00:50-05:00By |AWE|

"Continuous effort, not strength or intelligence, is the key to unlocking our potential."  Liane Cardes Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post! Try following this 3 step approach as you create change. A - Awareness What are your current opportunities?  Where can you apply continuous effort? Where have you been sporadic in the past?  What could be possible once you started?   If you could [...]

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