You are busy.  You balance family, career, friends, and volunteer work.  Plus, with all this balancing and juggling, you still “fit in” time for you.  Then, as you look ahead, you realize you have even MORE on your plate with the holiday season coming.

I know, I know, wouldn’t another hour each day be helpful? Or at least the hope that you could accomplish everything you wanted to – and enjoy it all.

[Tweet “Wouldn’t having a stress-free and productive end of the year be fabulous?”]

It is possible – and over the next few weeks I’ll share some strategies with you.

In a previous post, I identified your first step – envision your results.  You now KNOW how you WANT the end of the year to look. The activities you want to take part in.  The people you want to spend time with. The goals you want to accomplish.  (If you missed this step – please read it before continuing. Envisioning your results really is the FIRST step.)

Today – I’m going to let reality seep in.

What are the activities and tasks you typically spend time on during the next few months?

Create two lists – one for personal and one for business.

Write down EVERYTHING you typically spend time on at the end of the year.

Here are some possible topics for the personal list:

  • Holiday Decorating – purchasing, putting up, buying tree, taking down
  • Cooking – planning menu, grocery shopping, baking, cleaning after party
  • Socializing – work party, planning family get together, overnight guests, making travel plans, cleaning & preparing for guests
  • Communicating – buying/making cards, addressing cards, phoning relatives, sending emails
  • Gift Giving – managing the list, shopping, making gifts, wrapping, delivering, exchanging, budgeting
  • Spiritual/Community – religious ceremonies, volunteering

Action-Prereq-For-CompletionThis list is by no means inclusive but please use it as a starting point.

Your Next Action Steps

  1. Throughout the next week, continue to jot down the personal tasks and activities you usually spend time on during the end of the year.
  2. Repeat this process for business tasks and activities.  Be sure to reference any year-end or quarter-end business goals you have created.
  3. Compare these lists to the vision you created last week of how you WANT the end of the year to look.  Is there a correlation?

Typically my clients will create their ideal vision, but when faced with reality, they realize that two don’t align very well.  The tasks and activities they WANT to spend time on typically aren’t the tasks they ARE spending time on.  If you fall into this category, don’t worry.

The next post in the series offers some strategies for aligning your ideal vision with your reality. Be sure to stop back!

Please post below – how do you ensure your vision of a stress free and productive year end line up with your list of tasks?

Would you like some support accomplishing your goals?  

With a little coaching, you can easily achieve the perfect balance between your business and personal lives.  You can develop a framework and a system that allows you to put first things first -and live a life of purpose, accomplishment, and fun.  You can turn ideas into action!

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(Image credit: imagerymajestic,