Sometimes even the best time management strategist cannot “create” room in a schedule. Sometimes everything that can be delegated has been. Every task / activity / commitment that can be deleted has been removed from the schedule. (Read more about this process here.)

Everything that remains is important and has a direct correlation to a goal.

So then what can you do if you are feeling like you have too much to do and not enough time? You have so many great things to do – but you are unsure on how to do them all!

1. I recommend revisiting the concept of 168. Are you truly spending the amount of time each week that you desire as you deliberately move to create focused action towards your goals? (You only have 168 hours!  Download your very own Magic Action Guide to help you make the most of them!)

2. Recognize that “doing it all” may not be possible. Instead, be super discerning when it comes to each activity in your calendar as you DECIDE which ones to complete today, tomorrow, and this week.

Here’s an example:

My client (we’ll call her Pat) is currently in this situation. She is focused on getting her new coaching business off the ground. AND . . . she is feeling a serious crunch. In fact, she said that she realizes because she is trying to do so much, she isn’t really doing anything well but she doesn’t know what to do to change.

[Tweet “Don’t know where to start? Try “competition prioritizing.””]

So, we went through each appointment and activity in her calendar, and she shared how it related to her goals.

  • Networking meeting – opportunity to connect with her ideal clients
  • Board meeting – opportunity to build her credibility in her field
  • Lunch with potential clients and friends – opportunity to network with some potential clients and catch up with friends
  • Strategy Sessions with potential clients – possibility of new business
  • Workshop – new business

These are only a few of her activities – take my word for it, we examined each one! Pat could make a case for why each activity was important to complete, and complete this week.

So, next I asked Pat, “if you had 2 hours suddenly free up in your schedule, what would you do with that time?” She chose to get her contact info to her Virtual Assistant and outline her first newsletter.

Then I asked her to compare this task with each of the activities already scheduled. I call this “competition prioritizing.”

  • Networking meeting vs. Newsletter
  • Board Meeting vs. Newsletter
  • Lunch vs. Newsletter

What we found was that though completing the newsletter was important, it wasn’t MORE important than doing the other activities she currently had on her calendar. Knowing this allowed her to relax a little – focusing on the fact that she WAS concentrating on her most important activities.

Also, Pat now knows exactly what to focus on next, either next week or this week if she happens to get a “bonus” amount of time.  (AND . . . as I write this . . . her networking meeting was canceled due to inclement weather – and she is working on her newsletter right now!)

What have you learned from Pat’s story? Do you feel as though you have a good handle on what your legitimate priorities are? Try a “competition” – examine your top top-priorities side by side to find a good starting point. Comment below with your ideas!

But remember, you truly only have those 168 hours in a week to work with and I’ve created a helpful tool that can help you with your priorities. Click below to download your complimentary Magic 168 Action Guide!

[su_button url=”” style=”bubbles” background=”#ef2dbb” size=”6″ center=”yes”]Download The Magic 168 Action Guide[/su_button]