#1 One Way to Eliminate All or Nothing Thinking

2016-12-07T20:00:13-05:00By |Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

We've all been there. We set aside 2 hours to work on a BIG, IMPORTANT, AWESOME project, only to realize that there are only 15 minutes left of that 2 hour block.  So, we say, "I'll work on that tomorrow, I don't really have time to get into it today." Then tomorrow comes - and "life happens" - and again, you don't have time [...]

Can “Christmas in October” Be a Good Thing?

2016-12-07T20:00:13-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

It's the end of October. The leaves turn colors, the temperature drops and ... retailers get the jump on the holiday season. Yes, I know, we all complain about this very early emphasis on Christmas and the other winter holidays, but think about it ... they may not be entirely wrong! No matter what holiday (or none) you celebrate, the mid-winter season is usually [...]

Be a Successful, Savvy Entrepreneur

2016-12-07T20:00:22-05:00By |Awesome People, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Christina Nitschmann is a highly sought after speaker, consultant and internet radio show host of Savvy Central Radio.  Savvy Central runs weekly broadcasts providing entrepreneurs and successful individuals a platform to express their dreams, hopes, lessons-learned, and expertise with the world. This popular show has been a go-to resource for service-based entrepreneurs to reach out to potential clients by sharing their story. It's all [...]

How to Estimate Using the Rule of 1.5

2016-12-07T20:00:24-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Many of my clients share with me that they underestimate the amount of time a task will take to complete.  As a result, they are “off-schedule” by noon. I use the Rule of 3 and Rule of 1.5 Techniques when scheduling. This helps to ensure I have enough time to complete each task.  The next time you’re faced with a busy day full of [...]

Don’t Be a Ship in the Harbor

2016-12-07T20:00:26-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Time management is a journey.  Sometimes all you can do is keep your head above water.  Other times, you are sitting in your boat - but not yet prepared to sail.  And sometimes - you are in the "and them some" phase.  The period of your life when you are ready for more. You are ready to do more than just survive. You are [...]

Do You Follow Through?

2016-12-07T20:00:28-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set, Teacher as Student|

"Time Truth:  Task management is about capturing your priorities, sorting them into a tool you trust, and tracking them until they are completed." - Julie Gray. Welcome to the next post in the "Teacher as Student Series" where I share my new awareness with you regarding my learning when I was a student in the Holistic Time Coaching class taught by Julie Gray and [...]

How Do You Set Your Goals?

2016-12-07T20:00:30-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Uncategorized|

Usually I set my goals for the year during the first week of January.  I use the phrase "set my goals" somewhat loosely.  Usually, this is a task that "needs" to be marked off my to-do list.  So, I look at last years goals, adjust the completion date on some, cross a couple off (either I accomplished them - or they are no longer [...]

Achieve Success By Practicing Conscious Abandonment

2016-12-07T20:00:31-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Goal Setting and Mind Set, Prioritizing|

As I look at my to-do list today - I wonder . . . what would happen if I didn't accomplish any of the items on it?  Are these tasks really important?  Will completing them get me closer to my goals?  OR  Are these just "things to do"? One of the traps that my clients fall into is the belief that because a task [...]

What Is Your Strategy?

2016-12-07T20:00:31-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Leslie Truex, of Work At Home Success, is an expert on helping entrepreneurs create successful and productive lives. An author, speaker and work-at-home expert, Leslie has made multiple national media appearances to encourage others to take action toward a successful and rewarding career working from home.  What a career she has - working at home in her pajamas whenever she likes, and teaching others [...]

Exercise Your Pause Muscle

2016-12-07T20:00:33-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

What are you grateful for? How often do you "hit pause" and actually think about it? In a recent session with a client, she began designing her action plan for the next week.  She was deciding which area she wanted to apply extra focus and effort: delegating or scheduling or estimating her time or email management or energy management (these were only a few [...]

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