Leslie Truex, of Work At Home Success, is an expert on helping entrepreneurs create successful and productive lives. An author, speaker and work-at-home expert, Leslie has made multiple national media appearances to encourage others to take action toward a successful and rewarding career working from home.  What a career she has – working at home in her pajamas whenever she likes, and teaching others to do the same! I love that she offers so many online resources for budding entrepreneurs. Be sure to check out her website!

Leslie also asks very insightful questions! Our recent discussion about time management related to goals was great fun, and I hope of value to listeners.

We talked about so many success strategies:

  1. One activity acted on is better than many ideas that are never done. Let go of “shiny” and work toward goals!
  2. If your plan does not make you happy, it’s not the right plan for you.
  3. Set goals and break them into manageable bites.
  4. What do you plan to do with your extra time? If you don’t know where you’re going, how can you create a road map?
  5. It’s important to look at what tasks you’re doing – do they jazz you and make you happy? Or do you view them as chores? Planning your goals and your work day by taking into account what truly makes you happy can lead to long-term satisfaction.
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This is why I call myself a “time strategy visionary” – I help clients find out where they want to go, what’s the best strategy for them to get there, and how they’ll most enjoy the journey.

I invite you to listen in to the full discussion here.

Don’t forget to leave a comment below … I’d love to hear your own success stories!