Usually I set my goals for the year during the first week of January. I use the phrase “set my goals” somewhat loosely. Usually, this is a task that “needs” to be marked off my to-do list. So, I look at last years goals, adjust the completion date on some, cross a couple off (either I accomplished them – or they are no longer relevant), add a couple and . . . check . . . done.
I have a general focus on what I want to accomplish professionally and personally over the next 12 months.
For some goals, I create a couple of benchmark dates. For others I create and schedule daily action steps. For still others, I subscribe to the philosophy that “if I throw the intention out there – somehow I’ll magically accomplish the goal”.
However, while taking a recent coaching class I realized that I wasn’t satisfied with the process.
(More about my experience in this class in a few weeks!)
- I didn’t necessarily spend a lot of time visioning what I wanted to accomplish. Usually I just adapted what I had created the year before.
- I didn’t always have a system to make sure my daily actions were correlating to my big goals.
So, this year, I decided to go about the process a bit differently.
I enlisted the help of Lori Gorrell of Upward Solutions Coaching and Consulting. Yes – coaches need coaches!!!!
[Tweet “Who do I want to BE during the next 12 months?”]As I started to define my focus for the year, my monetary goals, and products and programs I wanted to create, Lori asked me to dig deeper. “What could be deeper?” I wondered. “I’m laying out all these ideas!”
What she was really asking me to do was to determine who I wanted to BE during the next 12 months.
My answer was that I wanted to be a well-respected businesswoman.
She then asked, “What will it take to be a well-respected businesswoman?”
To which I replied, “I need to hit my financial goals!” (AND . . . I’m thinking . . . duh . . . that’s why all my goals are focused in ways to generate income! Not a very open minded, coachable, solutions oriented thought, I’ll admit!)
Then Lori asked a question that really opened my eyes. “Is being a well-respected businesswoman and hitting your 2015 financial goals an all or nothing scenario? Are you only a well-respected businesswoman if you hit your financial goals?”
Immediately I answered “YES!”
For years, my definition of success was financially based. I had tunnel vision in this area. (See – this is why coaches need coaches also … the opportunity for someone else to challenge us to explore a different perspective!)
Lori encouraged me to expand my definition of a well-respected businesswoman. To create a vision that wasn’t only income driven.
Here’s my initial list. I know I’ll add to it over the next few weeks.
- To go above and beyond in all my interactions with clients, potential clients, resource partners, JV partners, and workshop attendees. To create an experience of excellent customer service.
- Have a willingness to be open to alternate versions of success – for me, for my clients, for my power partners.
- To be authentic in all interactions.
- To shift my leadership style a little more towards collaborative from traditional.
- Increase my visibility in each of the organizations I’m involved in.
What an eye-opening exercise! Now, as I set action steps to accomplish each of these goals I feel energized, excited, and empowered. I now know I can measure my success in a number of ways – not just financial. (Don’t get me wrong, financial success is still a goal for 2015 – just not the only one!)
YOUR TURN!!! How do you set goals? Please post below!
Would you like some support accomplishing your goals?
With a little coaching, you can easily achieve the perfect balance between your business and personal lives. You can develop a framework and a system that allows you to put first things first -and live a life of purpose, accomplishment, and fun. You can turn ideas into action!
Image credit: Renjith Krishnan via
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Last year I gave up resolutions and chose to go with My One Word. I focused on SEEK last year. It was a great experience. The end of October I started thinking about the word I needed to focus on in 2015. As of yesterday it has been set as finish. I wrote my blog post on it today. I have a lot of things already started that need finished, and I’d like to finish things I start this year before I start anything else new.
Welcome back Carrie Ann. Thanks for the comment. My word for this year – deliberate! If I make sure that I’m deliberate with my actions, I’m on the right path towards accomplishing my goals!
Great and useful information! I usually don’t set resolutions. My husband and I are planning a vision retreat to set goals for our family this year. It will be our first so I’m excited about setting goals together. Of course, I will still have goals I set for myself, like losing weight, paying off debts, starting and finishing DIY projects, etc. I’m looking forward to a great year and thanks for creating something I can use to help me do just that!
Excited you have family and personal goals! AWESOME! What do you find most helpful in staying on track all year?
Hmmmmm. I do better when I have timelines set for completing goals. If I don’t have some type of deadline, they will just linger on! My problem is setting realistic deadlines! LOL
My tip for setting “realistic” deadlines is to multiply by 1.5 or by 3. So, for example if have completed this goal before – and think it will take you two months – then multiply by 1.5 and set your goal date for 3 months. If it’s a goal you have never completed before – multiply by 3 (because you don’t know what you don’t know!) So, in the previous case a “two month goal” could be set as a “six month goal”. I use this same idea when estimating how long tasks will take also.
Excellent! Thank you!
I love all of the goal setting discussions. While I’m great at creating and setting goals AND helping others do the same, I have trouble completing all I set for myself. I think it’s due to the phase of life I’m in right now. So this year I’m setting small, bite sized goals. :) Here’s to a GREAT year!
Bite size goals – perfect! One step at a time – that’s how goals are achieved!!!! What is one of the goals you’ve set?
Sorry, I was so busy finishing my goals that I didn’t get back to your question. LOL One of the goals I’ve set??? Hmmm I finished several! It feels so great! I published an eBook. I updated my website. I’m in college and completing homework ahead of schedule. Thanks for asking. :D
Congrats on the accomplishments! What’s the next goal on your horizon?
My next goal is to rewrite an older eBook by the end of February. :)
WHOOO HOOOO – be sure to let us know when it’s published!
This should be read by everyone who are determined to make their resolutions happen this year. Very helpful tips for the next 12 months. :)
Happy New Year, btw. :)
Thanks for your comment, Lux! What are some of your goals for this year?
[…] continued to search for ways to make my goals achievements. As my coach Lori stretched me to stretch my vision of success – I continually searched for specific action steps to support this […]
I set goals as realistic as possible. Otherwise I won’t be able to achieve them.
Excellent plan, Mike. What are some realistic goals you have set recently?
[…] the beginning of each year I set goals. Sometimes, I also revisit these goals around my birthday in […]
Hi Lisa,
I was late with my goal but it\’s DONE! I finished a couple of months ago. AND I purchased a program that allows me to make my own covers. Let me know if you’d like to see it. :)
CONGRATS, Susie! I’d love to see it!!!!