Usually I set my goals for the year during the first week of January.  I use the phrase “set my goals” somewhat loosely.  Usually, this is a task that “needs” to be marked off my to-do list.  So, I look at last years goals, adjust the completion date on some, cross a couple off (either I accomplished them – or they are no longer relevant), add a couple and  . . . check . . . done.

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I have a general focus on what I want to accomplish professionally and personally over the next 12 months.

For some goals, I create a couple of benchmark dates.  For others I create and schedule daily action steps.  For still others, I subscribe to the philosophy that “if I throw the intention out there – somehow I’ll magically accomplish the goal”.

However, while taking a recent coaching class I realized that I wasn’t satisfied with the process.

(More about my experience in this class in a few weeks!)

  1. I didn’t necessarily spend a lot of time visioning what I wanted to accomplish.  Usually I just adapted what I had created the year before.
  2. I didn’t always have a system to make sure my daily actions were correlating to my big goals.

So, this year, I decided to go about the process a bit differently.

I enlisted the help of Lori Gorrell of Upward Solutions Coaching and Consulting.  Yes – coaches need coaches!!!!

[Tweet “Who do I want to BE during the next 12 months?”]

As I started to define my focus for the year, my monetary goals, and products and programs I wanted to create, Lori asked me to dig deeper.  “What could be deeper?” I wondered.  “I’m laying out all these ideas!”

What she was really asking me to do was to determine who I wanted to BE during the next 12 months.

My answer was that I wanted to be a well-respected businesswoman.  

She then asked, “What will it take to be a well-respected businesswoman?”

To which I replied, “I need to hit my financial goals!”  (AND . . . I’m thinking . . . duh . . . that’s why all my goals are focused in ways to generate income!  Not a very open minded, coachable, solutions oriented thought, I’ll admit!)

Then Lori asked a question that really opened my eyes. “Is being a well-respected businesswoman and hitting your 2015 financial goals an all or nothing scenario?  Are you only a well-respected businesswoman if you hit your financial goals?”

Immediately I answered “YES!”

For years, my definition of success was financially based.  I had tunnel vision in this area.  (See – this is why coaches need coaches also … the opportunity for someone else to challenge us to explore a different perspective!)

Lori encouraged me to expand my definition of a well-respected businesswoman.  To create a vision that wasn’t only income driven.

Here’s my initial list.  I know I’ll add to it over the next few weeks.

  • To go above and beyond in all my interactions with clients, potential clients, resource partners, JV partners, and workshop attendees.  To create an experience of excellent customer service.
  • Have a willingness to be open to alternate versions of success – for me, for my clients, for my power partners.
  • To be authentic in all interactions.
  • To shift my leadership style a little more towards collaborative from traditional.
  • Increase my visibility in each of the organizations I’m involved in.

What an eye-opening exercise!  Now, as I set action steps to accomplish each of these goals I feel energized, excited, and empowered.  I now know I can measure my success in a number of ways – not just financial.  (Don’t get me wrong, financial success is still a goal for 2015 – just not the only one!)

YOUR TURN!!!  How do you set goals?  Please post below!

Would you like some support accomplishing your goals?  

With a little coaching, you can easily achieve the perfect balance between your business and personal lives.  You can develop a framework and a system that allows you to put first things first -and live a life of purpose, accomplishment, and fun.  You can turn ideas into action!

Image credit: Renjith Krishnan via

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