If you’ve been following my posts this month – you know that I’m tackled real life time management scenarios all month long.  Here’s a recap:

  1. “This may sound ridiculous, but I’m so busy, I don’t even have time to read about time management techniques, let alone practice them.”  Strategy – 15 minutes a day!
  2. “I’ll look into streamlining my schedule a few weeks from now when I have a little more time.” – Strategy – Start where you are!
  3. “When I’m trying to reach a goal, I track my progress on notes of paper that I keep all over the house, and my system is taking me more time than it saves me.”  – Strategy – Use ONE notebook!
  4. “I want to take steps to use my time better, but I when I slip up I get down on myself.  It’s hard to keep putting the effort in.” – Strategy – Stomp on the internal critic!
  5.  “I’m working hard to use my time better and make progress towards my goals, but it’s sort of a lonely process, and I think it would be more inspiring if I had people encouraging me and noticing the small successes.” – Strategy – Create a support network!
  6. “I have a great idea, but I don’t know where to start, and the project is floundering. I will probably give it up and just keep on with my regular routine.” – Strategy – Make a list!
  7. “I set my goal and detailed my daily action steps, but the demands of the day always take precedence and real progress continues to elude me.” – Strategy – Schedule it!
  8. “I feel that I must read newspapers before I can recycle them.  I don’t put my subscription on hold when I go out of town.  So then I have a ton of papers to go through when I get back, along with the new ones.  I feel that I might be missing something that I should or would want to know about.  Then I feel that I can’t read other material such as books or newsletters that I would like to read.  I know logically that there isn’t enough time in a day or a month (or longer) to read everything that I would like to read – so much to read & not enough time.” – Strategy – Decide how much time you DO want to spend.
  9. “I’ve heard about the 80/20 Rule, but I’m not sure how I can apply that to my daily life more productive.” – Strategy – DO 20%, delete and delegate 80%
  10. “My obstacles are mental distractions. I think of something other than the original task, and lose focus quickly.” – Strategy – Mental breaks!

Your turn!  Which scenario do you most identify with?  Which strategies do you use to ensure success?

Would you like some support accomplishing your goals?  

With a little coaching, you can easily achieve the perfect balance between your business and personal lives.  You can develop a framework and a system that allows you to put first things first -and live a life of purpose, accomplishment, and fun.

Call me now! 440-537-3811 or contact me here! You can take that stress away starting right now!

photo courtesy of lavoview / freedigitalphotos.net