You are unique – your time management system should be also!  But . . . how do you know WHAT STRATEGIES will work for you?

You need to understand your preferences!

So, what are those preferences?

Cena Block, a productivity expert and business coach, has developed a tool to guide you in determining how you like to manage your time and space. The Time & Space Style Inventory (TSSI) shows you what your natural tendencies are, and provides you with some resources to make those tendencies work for you.

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Now What?

  1. The TSSI takes only about 10-20 minutes to complete. (Start here)
  2. Schedule a block of time in your calendar when you will not be distracted.
  3. Take the inventory.
  4. After taking the inventory, you will receive a report that shows where you fall on the time and space style continuum.

Bonus Tip: There are no right or wrong answers, just your own unique and natural tendencies.  How AWESOME is that?!  A test with NO WRONG answers!!!!

[Tweet “Learn your work style and make it work for you!”]tssi inventory

The Report

The report delves deeper into your different time and space style preferences. You will receive a summary description of each, and a graph of your style preferences. Plus, additional resources are available in the Hub, including customized to-do lists for each style.  (My favorite part!!!)



You can create a time management system unique to you.  The TSSI is one way to begin that process.  And when you are ready to delve deeper into your style, a time strategy visionary is your answer!  Bring me your problems during your complimentary 30 minute strategy session!


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