As you know, the SystemSavvy Consulting blog is all about success in all its forms. My posts and my programs are geared toward the entrepreneur who wants to reach career and personal goals by using the ideal systems, attitudes, and time strategies for their own life.
Well, I just ran across a fabulous info-graphic (right) from SalesForce Canada that echoes everything I teach! It’s about increasing productivity in and out of the office. This graphic is worth printing and posting where you’ll see it often! Here are just a few tips from the graphic:
- Evade e-mail dependency
- Stay on schedule
- Take breaks
- Wind down after work
Hi Lisa, I love the infographic you curated. Part of my new years resolutions is to practice yoga and meditate before I start working. So far so good….. What is your favorite part of your morning routine?
Thanks for stopping by! I love how you are resolving to start each day in a relaxed and open place. The part of my morning routine that I enjoy the most is listening to podcasts. I do this while working out. (The working out piece isn’t my favorite – but the learning is!)
Love the infographic. Heartily recommend lots of breaks with two dogs I have no choice. However every break releases some more creativity and gets me back to my desk refreshed and raring to go.
Hi Jacqui
I love lots of breaks also. I set a timer periodically to remind myself to get up and move!!!!! Enjoy your dogs!
This looks really helpful and the graphic is great! I could certainly work more on staying focused at work.
I agree – isn’t this just the best graphic! I’ve found that using a parking lot technique has really helped me stay focused while working. (For more info on the parking lot you can check out these blogs.