A time strategy visionary takes a time management course and realizes she doesn’t have enough time. This isn’t a brain teaser or a joke.  This statement is actually based on my experience of enrolling in and completing the Holistic Time Coaching course through Coach Approach for Organizers.

Each week I will share my experience and ah-ha moments  as I put myself back in the role of student and of client instead of teacher and coach.  Yes – as a coach who specializes in assisting clients with their time management and choice management challenges, I still had MUCH to learn! (Read about my experience here.)

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The first week of the course focused on Energy Management.  Instructor Julie Gray shared the Time Truth: You cannot be more productive or organized than your personal energy allows.  We’ve all heard about putting on our oxygen masks first, and then assisting others.  How many times have you said, or heard, “fill your cup up so you can fill the cup up of others”?

My question is (drum roll please!) “Do you have a systematic, deliberate way of ensuring that your personal energy level stays high?

I didn’t!

I knew what activities relaxed me.  I knew what activities energized me.  I knew some activities that drained me.

But I hadn’t moved past that awareness into any deliberate, focused action to ensure my cup remained full.

What did I change?

I now have a plan for keeping my energy levels high.  I’ve scheduled workouts and yoga into my calendar weekly.  I downloaded a guided meditation app onto my phone to use in the mornings.  I enrolled in a few guided meditation sessions with a holistic practitioner I adore and respect.  I created reminders to check my energy levels throughout the day and make adjustments.  I am working to eliminate the “energy drainers” from my schedule.

[Tweet “Do you have a systematic, deliberate way of ensuring that your personal energy level stays high?”]

What does this mean for you?

I image you often find your self in a similar boat –  your energy level isn’t as high as you’d like, as consistently as you’d like.  Try implementing the steps of A.W.E. to create change!

  1. A – Awareness:   What activities rejuvenate you?  What activities drain you?  Create a list.
  2. W – Work:  Create a plan.  Choose one energy giving activity to add to your schedule and one energy depleting activity to delete from your schedule.  How are you going to make sure you follow through?  The easiest thing to “bump” from our schedules is time spent on ourselves.  Plan for this.  (This is why I signed up for classes -and paid in advance!!!)
  3. E – Evaluate:  Check your energy and productivity levels periodically throughout the day and the week.  What’s working that you want to continue to implement?  Where can you make some adjustments for even bigger results?

Remember – increasing your energy levels and reserves is a process.  Start with ONE activity.  Small consistent changes is key to long term success.  Be sure to stop back next week when I share the changes I’ve made with delegating!

Your turn!  How do you keep your energy levels high?  What type of activities nourish  you?  What types of activities deplete your energy?  Please post below!

* Your turn! How do you determine where to allocate your 168 hours each week? Please post below!

Would you like some support accomplishing your goals and determining how to keep your cup full?

With a little coaching, you can easily achieve the perfect balance between your business and personal lives. You can develop a framework and a system that allows you to put first things first -and live a life of purpose, accomplishment, and fun. You can turn ideas into action!

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