Does this resonate with you?

“I set appointments with myself to work on my goals each day, but something more important and urgent always pops up. I find I’m no further to accomplishing my “big idea” today than I was a month ago.”

Keri just wrote to say, “I love the parking lot technique because I seriously feel like I have 3923493 tabs open in my brain at all times. It’s truly overwhelming. But using the parking lot technique and writing down what I can do late has worked wonders. You rock!”

Does this sound like your situation?
“It seems each day I wake up I have a new idea and new goals. How can I determine which goal to focus on and then stay focused long enough to see progress?”

Here’s what Melisa told me: “I am loving this challenge; it has kept me focused on my business during a distracting time. I am excited to work with you on moving forward with my BIG goal! “

Or this?
“I have this really great idea for my business – but just can’t seem to execute it! I created action steps . . . but my day-to-day life got in the way and I was unable to implement many of the steps.”

Vicki reported, “I love this challenge. It has helped me not only work on my goal but also other areas of my life even during this busy time of year. Thank you! “

All these feelings and distractions are normal! After we recover from the holiday season and set new goals, we are faced with an increasing number of obligations and expectations jammed into an already tight time frame. We find it more and more difficult to honor our commitments to ourselves as we put the needs and wishes of others first.

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Plus, it’s so much easier to “bump” off your calendar an appointment to work on YOUR goals than to cancel a business appointment or obligation. (You know what I’m talking about – how often do you honor the commitments to yourself?!)

Struggling to set goals?

[Tweet “Overwhelmed at trying to stay on the path to completion of the goal?”]

Are you in the “zoom-eek” mode? (Frantic work towards your goals for a couple of days (zoom) – then no movement towards accomplishing your goals for weeks (eek)?)

Where can you go from here?

I encourage you to use A.W.E. when approaching the next few months.

  • A. AWARENESS – Create a clear goal.
  • W. WORK – Schedule time to work towards your priorities (and include yourself as a priority with self-care!) into your calendar now, while there is still some white space!
  • E. EVALUATE – Set aside a small block of time each week to fine-tune your plan.

Following these three stages of A.W.E. will help you navigate through the next few weeks – and still maintain your momentum.

You’ve worked hard to get to where you are in your business – consistent activity will certainly help keep it flourishing.
Want some support in the process? Take the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals by joining The 30 Day A.W.E. Inspired Challenge!

[formidable id=14 title=true description=true] This challenge is designed to help participants stay on track now and in the future.

I’ll offer strategies to create balance, encouragement to take some “me time”, techniques to maintain (or even increase) momentum, and provide a vehicle for external accountability.

It’s virtual, it’s self-paced, and it’s free!

For additional information – click here!


Your turn!  Please, share your most effective strategy for accomplishing your goals!