Cookies, cookies, and more cookies. This is the time of year when you see cookies everywhere! In fact, today is even National Bake Cookies Day. If you like to bake – what a wonderful time of year for you! If you prefer not to bake then you certainly would appreciate an alternative.

I fall into the “I’d rather not bake” category. (For a pretty amusing story – and more info on why I don’t bake check out my previous post explaining what happened when I tried to make bread.) However, I still have a need for Christmas cookies  . . . holiday parties, work gatherings for my husband, and gifts for friends. Plus, let’s be honest, I want to eat some also!

In my view – I have a few options

    1. I can bake the cookies myself. (Probably not a great idea!)
  1.  I can buy the cookies from a local baker. (Ohhh – I love delegating)
  2. I can participate in a cookie exchange. (At least I would only have to supply one type!)
  3. I can create a mini-cookie making factory. (Sounds like I can be in charge!)


I choose option #4.

Each year my family gathers together and we make cookies.

The numbers of bakers may vary (some years we’ve had as few as 5, other years as many as 20) the ages range from 10 – 85 years old, and the amount and types of cookies we create changes each year.

One thing remains constant, however, I’m in charge!

Why would a non-baker be in charge on cookie day?

Because I’m a time strategy visionary. I transfer the time management skills I teach clients into maximizing our time and minimizing our effort on National Bake Cookies Day.

  • Delegation – You certainly won’t see me doing all the work while 10 people watch! Everyone gets a job!
  • Systems and routines – Our kitchen (dining room, living room, and hallway) turns into a well-oiled assembly line.
  • Checklists – Each person knows what supplies to bring. Plus adjustments are made each year based on what worked and what didn’t.
  • Project Planning – What cookies go into the oven and when, how long to cool, when to frost, what to make next . . . lots of moving parts when you have 20 people working in a space built for 4!
  • Distractions – We use lots of timers!!!! No “forgotten” cookies in the oven here.
  • Motivation – After a few hours, the attention span of some of the workers start to fall off. So, I employ some external motivational techniques by moving some of the stations into the TV room so they can work and watch football.


I love that I can use “my gifts for good” on this day. Don’t get confused – I’m still not a baker. But on this day, delicious items emerge from my kitchen.

[Tweet “Look what happens when a time strategy visionary is in charge of baking cookies!”]

What are your gifts? Are you a baker? A list maker? A big picture thinker? Share your gifts below!

As you read how we use time management strategies on National Bake Cookies Day – are thinking . . . “hmm . . . I wish I could delegate more”? Or maybe you are pondering, “I wonder how I could work more efficiently in 2014?”

Good news – the Time Finder System starts on January 22nd.

Here you will learn my clear, PROVEN, 6-STEP plan which teaches you EXACTLY how to make the most of your time, so you can start to the live the life you design – FAST.

Whether you’re a newbie at time management or an organized and experienced time strategy visionary, you’ll discover strategies and techniques designed to help you create a productive day again and again.

All you need to do is follow my paint-by-numbers system to see these results in YOUR business and life. For additional info check out the Time Finder System.

NOTE: Early Bird Registration is open until January 6th. Use code STRONG2014 for a discount of $150. Adjusting your investment from $497 to $347.