I’m reading The Productivity Project by Chris Bailey and I LOVE this book! In fact, I’ll probably be referencing it in a few blog posts over the next few months. One of the experts he quoted was Tim Pychyl, who said, “Everyone procrastinates.”

If that doesn’t make you feel better about procrastinating, what will?!

However, we all procrastinate in different ways, some more often and some less.

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How can you procrastinate less?

Here’s one tip that Chris suggests – list the costs. When you decide to put off a high value task and work on a lower value task instead, list the costs of putting the task off.

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It could be a late fee for filing your taxes late. Or a plateau on weight loss because you chose not to exercise. Or a substandard work product because you rushed at the last minute. Or creating a log-jam of urgent tasks because you ignored your schedule. Worst case scenario, losing credibility with a client when you miss a deadline.

Take a look at what tasks you’ve procrastinated on over the past few months and write down what the cost was for each. Now the moment of truth: was the cost worth the perceived benefit of procrastinating in the first place? Probably not.

So, what can you do to prevent further delays in your work? What you need is to upgrade your time management strategies so you can feel a sense of accomplishment each day, without procrastination.

I recommend you take advantage of my complimentary Discovery Conversation. 

Important!! These appointments are complimentary, but to be really clear, they are limited in number and reserved for people who meet these criteria:

  • You are willing and ready to improve your current situation.
  • You are ready to invest money in your potential so you can experience different results.
  • You are willing to push your comfort zone (just a little to start!)

If this is you, click below to find your next steps.

[su_button url=”https://www.timetrade.com/book/D5CNP” style=”bubbles” background=”#ef2dbb” size=”6″ center=”yes”]Click Here to Schedule Your Complimentary Session![/su_button]