Did you ever have someone pop into your life at just the right time?  Holly Matson, creator of Lightseeds by Holly, was just that person for me.  I was getting ready to launch my first virtual program and switch over to a new website.  I could hardly keep up with writing all the copy – and forget about proofing it!  A colleague recommended I hire a Virtual Assistant – and gave me Holly’s name.

It was professional love at first email!

Though I originally hired Holly to set up a few autoresponders in MailChimp, proof copy for my  program and website, and schedule a couple of social media posts I now depend on her for so much more.  She also proofed two of my Home Study courses, does all the automated posting for my social media, formats and proofs my newsletters, created an Amazon store, wrote press releases, updated my website, and more.  (Yes – more!!)

As a small business owner, I first thought “how can I afford a VA”?  yet, the real question is, “How can I afford to NOT hire a VA?!”

By delegating much of the “paper” portion of my business to Holly, I now have the time and mental energy to work on the creative side of my business.   Plus, she completes these tasks so much quicker than I can – and with much more accuracy!

[Tweet “By delegating, I now have more time for thinking!”]

But, though Holly is excellent at what she does, that is not what I love most about her!

I love that she is so professional – always clearly communicating her questions and ideas and time frame.

I also love the feeling like she’s in this with me.

She has wonderful insights on ways to connect with my clients in a more meaningful way.

I most certainly recommend talking with Holly if you are looking for some administrative support.


Who is your “go to source” for delegation?