Do you have a deep-down desire to help others? To share knowledge with people to help improve their lives? Have you considered becoming a coach?

Coaching wasn’t my first choice in career (or my second or my third . . . ) but it is the career I love the most, in which I feel the most fulfilled, and where believe I make the most impact on creating change, which is one of the reasons I started SystemSavvy Consulting.  And Marc Mawhinney, of Natural Born Coaches, feels the same way!

Mark started the podcast Natural Born Coaches after years of entrepreneurship and the struggle to succeed. He realized that coaches could benefit from the experiences of other coaches, and decided to find a medium for them to share their knowledge with each other. Now his work supports coaches in many fields, sharing insights, strategies and best practices.

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When I was invited to share some of my own knowledge with Mark’s audience, I was delighted! I invite you to listen to the podcast here, and comment freely.

Not a coach?  No worries – Marc’s podcast still has some great nuggets for you.  He focuses on the journey towards finding your place in the world.  It just happens to be that his guests are coaches – but the lessons apply to each of us!

Interested in finding out how working with a coach can help you increase your enjoyment in life?  Contact me today for a complimentary strategy session.

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