About Lisa Mallis

Lisa Crilley Mallis, lover of chocolate, the beach, and country music. and owner of SystemSavvy Consulting, LLC is a time strategy visionary. She is a master at cutting to the heart of overwhelm to help you regain control of your schedule and experience life. Lisa assists overextended and overwhelmed professionals to implement concrete techniques that can be applied immediately to their daily lives. You can live a life where every day is productive, rewarding, and fun! Need an article for your e-newsletter? Why not use one of mine? Just keep the copyright/author information intact. I post new articles each week so please keep coming back.

What You’ve Got to Know About Stephanie LH Calahan

2016-12-07T20:01:25-05:00By |Awesome People|

About a year ago, I was approached to be a speaker in a telesummit.  Part of my responsibilities as a speaker was to provide a package of products for interested participants to purchase.  Exciting opportunity  – however, I didn’t have any products.  I didn’t want to pass this up, however, I had no idea what to do next!   Luckily for me, a colleague [...]

Ultimate Blog Challenge – Why I’m Participating Again

2016-12-07T20:01:25-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Goal Setting and Mind Set, Prioritizing|

The Ultimate Blog Challenge starts again today – 30 posts in 30 days.  I participated for the first time in July – and planned to participate each quarter.  However at the end of July, I realized the time commitment was definitely more than I expected.   Last week, as I started to receive notifications in my inbox that the challenge was starting up again, [...]

My Top 3 Components of an Effective Calendar

2016-12-07T20:01:25-05:00By |Calendars|

Many of my clients will ask – should I use an electronic or digital calendar?  My answer – I don’t care, just use one!   Early in my career as a time strategy visionary, I felt to be consistent with the image I was trying to project, I needed to use a digital calendar.  I allowed myself 3 months to learn the new technology [...]

How to Handle Life After the Parking Lot

2016-12-07T20:01:26-05:00By |Prioritizing|

Great news – you’ve eliminated the distraction of all the thoughts running around in your head.  Whenever the next great idea (or bright shiny object) pops into your head – you no longer go off on a tangent.  Now, you jot that idea down into your parking lot and continue to focus on the task at hand. (Getting value from this post?  Leave a [...]

What You Can Learn From My Journey

2016-12-07T20:01:26-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

I’m often asked, “What exactly is a time strategy visionary?”  Which is often followed by, “How did you become one?” Traci McBride of TeeMcBee Image Consulting recently asked this question.  My answer starts about 20 seconds into the video. I realized early in my professional life that I didn’t “fit” into a traditional job.  I love to help clients have “ah-ha” moments [...]

Why Do Adults Multi-task? My FIRST Guest Post!

2016-12-07T20:01:26-05:00By |Multi-tasking|

Multi-tasking!  Should we or shouldn’t we?  Usually this is the question we ask ourselves.  However, I posed a different question in my latest post – WHY do we multi-task?     I’m so excited to be a guest blogger on Get Organised where I’ll be writing about the pros and cons of multi-tasking over the next few months . . . and [...]

My #1 Distraction Buster

2016-12-07T20:01:26-05:00By |Distractions and Procrastination|

Have you figured out a way to eliminate other people as distractions,  only to be derailed by the distractions in your own head?  Here’s the advice I gave my newest client.   Dear SystemSavvy, I find that when I’m working on a project – I’m easily distracted.  But not by other people, by other ideas in my own head!!  Do you have [...]

Excellence in Insurance – A Customer Service Story

2016-12-07T20:01:27-05:00By |Awesome People|

What you think about, you bring about!  I've heard this saying for much of my life, but just recently have I started to really concentrate on positive thinking.  Specifically, I've been doing some internal work around asking for (and expecting to receive) what I want. As I'm working on this inner journey, I had the opportunity to meet Ellen “Sam” Scheer at a networking [...]

How to Live Your Perfect Day

2016-12-07T20:01:27-05:00By |Calendars, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

What would your perfect day look like?  Where would you be?  Who would you be with?  What would you be doing? "How we spend our days is, of course, how spend our lives."  Anne Dillard My perfect day involves the beach, a good book, sunshine, lemonade, and chocolate.  (I’ll even let my husband join me!) When is the last time you enjoyed [...]

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