I’m often asked, “What exactly is a time strategy visionary?” Which is often followed by, “How did you become one?”
Traci McBride of TeeMcBee Image Consulting recently asked this question. My answer starts about 20 seconds into the video.
I realized early in my professional life that I didn’t “fit” into a traditional job. I love to help clients have “ah-ha” moments (hence my early career as a high school math teacher), but chafed at the time constraints put onto that learning (how many students can learn the Pythagorean Theorem in 42 minutes?)
I love schedules, hectic days, and sports, so I became an Athletic Administrator for a high school. However, I found I struggled to balance the 60 hour work weeks with my need for self-care and family time.
I love to work with my team on how to become more efficient in the direct sales industry, yet I didn’t really like selling the product. (It’s hard to lead people where you haven’t already been!)
So, what did I learn from my career as a high school math teacher and tutor, high school athletic administrator, and Mary Kay Consultant? I learned that I need to
- Forge my own path
- Work in a service based profession
- Embrace my gifts in time management, logical thinking, and my ability to relate to adults and teens
These revelations began my journey to become a time strategy visionary.
Identifying a goal without a structure to achieve it is just as ineffective as not identifying a goal and working on “important” tasks all day.
Through my journey of NOT honoring my priorities – I learned how to assist other professionals in the same position. By identifying my priorities, but NOT building in a structure to ensure I put first things first – I learned how to create a framework for my clients. Both parts are equally important . . . one without the other leads to frustration!
Why reinvent the wheel – and struggle where I struggled – if you can avoid the struggle and implement the lesson instead?!
Now, I help adults identify their values and priorities.
- Together we build a structure to allow them to live a life according to their values, goals, and dreams.
- Sometimes we work with effective calendar techniques, sometimes we delegate activities, sometimes we create structure around identifying priorities, and sometimes we learn to eliminate distractions.
- Every time – we identify a path and create the steps and the structure to follow this path!
Being a time strategy visionary is more than helping a client “save 2 hours each week”. It’s about identifying what is important and designing and implementing a life that is consistent with these priorities. If you save 2 hours a week – but don’t know what you want to do with that time – what’s the purpose?[Tweet “If you save 2 hours a week – but don’t know what you want to do with that time – what’s the purpose?”]
What have you learned on your journey through life?
What have you learned about my journey in becoming a time strategy visionary?
What are you doing today that is in line with your values, dreams, and goals?
I’d love to hear your thoughts, please post below.
If you are interested in learning more on how to align your tasks and values – I’d love to chat. I pride myself in creating and adapting solutions for all of my clients. Sign up for a No Obligation Find More Time Strategy Session. During this session you will gain clarity on your goals, uncover the hidden obstacles to your success, and leave energized to design the life of your dreams. You are guaranteed to have at least one Ah-Ha moment and actionable idea that will catapult your plan to success. What do you have to lose?
I really liked your comment about saving two hours a week doesn’t help if you don’t have plans for those two hours. It can be challenging to focus on the bigger picture – your broader vision – rather than on busy work, but the results speak for themselves.
Andrea –
Thanks for your comment! Being busy busy, busy all day long doesn’t necessarily mean we are working towards accomplishing our goals. I find if I can keep the “big picture” in mind, then create action steps towards that big picture, I drastically reduce the amount of busy work.
I find it hard to align my tasks with my big picture goals. Sometimes I spend so much time just trying to get through the day that it’s hard.
Shanna –
I appreciate your challenge. One strategy my clients have found particularly helpful is to identify ONE action they want to take each day. This action is directly in line with accomplishing one of their goals. They write this action on a Post-It note – and keep the Post-It note with them. Whenever they have a few moments as they are going through the day – they work towards accomplishing this task. Identifying the task is key to fitting it into an already busy day!
Let me know if this helps!
Having a purpose in everything is very important.
Sandra –
Agreed . . . otherwise we are just doing the same old same old, day in and day out! Thanks for the comment!
Lisa I love how you’ve assessed your skills and interests to create a new career. It’s the perfect way to help others. I can get distracted easily and waste time, so I find your hints really keep me on track.
Lorelle –
I love when you comment on my posts! You have such a kind and generous nature! Keep stopping by . . . I’ll keep providing strategies and you keep providing your enthusiasm. It’s a win – win!
You’re going to laugh, but I just went to check out your “about me” page and your “coaching” page to see how similar it was to this page. The video so perfectly explains what you do, and I think you should have it on several pages of your site. (Just my opinion.)
I love that you found a career that fits you perfectly! It should be everyone’s pursuit to find the same. :)
Great minds. Once I created the post, I thought, “hmmm where could I use this?”. Then, I started to over think…. The video starts with branding from a different company, so I wasn’t sure I wanted to use it as is, and I can’t edit since I don’t have the original. I was just going to link to the blog post. Thoughts?
What about adding it under your FAQ on your coaching page?
Love the positive message in this that it is never too late to make a change even a major career change and it is ok to keep trying until you find the right thing for you from a professional and personal point of view. I am sure your experience would help folks get them more easily than going through the same learning curve you went through. Cheers.
Gayl –
Thanks for the kudos! I’m a work in progress that’s for sure!
Great points, Lisa! I find that I am very good at the detailed, piece-meal work and not so great at the big picture, at least not all the time. I really like your posts, excellent tips!
Hi Delia –
I appreciate your comment. As a “one step at a time” type of a gal I can completely appreciate your comment! One thing I’ve found helpful with “big picture thinking” is to take some QUIET time to actually think. I set aside a couple of hours, play some relaxing music, get comfortable, and brainstorm. Otherwise, I’m bogged down in the day-to-day and act in a “can’t see the forest for the trees” way.