The Ultimate Blog Challenge starts again today – 30 posts in 30 days.  I participated for the first time in July – and planned to participate each quarter.  However at the end of July, I realized the time commitment was definitely more than I expected.


Last week, as I started to receive notifications in my inbox that the challenge was starting up again, I knew I needed to decide if I wanted to participate again.


My first step was to determine WHY.

Why participate?

Why participate?

In July, I wanted to blog more consistently (previously I was posting about 3 – 4 times each month).  I also wanted to network with like-minded professionals and increase my sphere of influence.


Did I hit these goals?

  • I certainly blogged more consistently!  In July I created a post for each day, then in August and September I posted 3 times each week.
  • I participated in two networking calls with fabulous professionals that I would never have been introduced to without this challenge.
  • But, I’m not sure how much I increased my exposure to potential clients.  I didn’t take any “before” stats.  In fact, I’m not sure how I was going to measure success in this area!


This month, my WHY is pretty similar.

  • I want to connect to more like-minded professionals
  • Continue to increase my exposure to potential clients.


My current and former clients have had amazing success designing the lives they want to live – however, if no one knows I exist – the number of people I can be of service to is certainly an itsy, bitsy, teeny amount!  But – what does increase my exposure really mean?  This certainly isn’t a very concrete goal! 

[Tweet “”You’ll only have success in the things you measure.” ~@KevinNations.”]

My very measureable and specific goal for this month is to increase my “stats” by 25%.

  • Currently 192 have subscribed to the SystemSavvy Consulting newsletter
  • 175 have SystemSavvy Consulting on Facebook
  • 649 follow SystemSavvy on Twitter

In addition, I want to connect to 8 additional like-minded professionals throughout the month.  To provide the best possible service to my clients, I need to have a strong referral network.  Since hundreds of people participate in the UBC each month, I’m going to be looking for professionals who service solopreneur and direct sales professionals.


How much time?

How much time?

However, I don’t want to invest the same amount of time I invested in July.  I’d like my time commitment to be similar to what I’ve been spending the last two months when I’ve been writing 3 posts each week.  So, how is that possible?

  • I’ll utilize the 80/20 rule
  • I also have an efficient system for promoting my posts
  • I will have guest bloggers post on Thursday
  • Friday’s posts will be inspirational quotes instead of posts
  • I will use more video
  • I will also create more posts in a series, which will allow me to write one post, but break it up into 3
  • I will strategically repurpose 4 posts throughout the month


I’m holding the intention to hit my goals this month while investing the same amount of time.  What are your goals for October?  If you are participating in the UBC, what’s your plan for success?  What is your intended outcome?  I’m a sponge today ready to learn and implement suggestions, please post below!


Top image courtesy of Stuart Miles /