About Lisa Mallis

Lisa Crilley Mallis, lover of chocolate, the beach, and country music. and owner of SystemSavvy Consulting, LLC is a time strategy visionary. She is a master at cutting to the heart of overwhelm to help you regain control of your schedule and experience life. Lisa assists overextended and overwhelmed professionals to implement concrete techniques that can be applied immediately to their daily lives. You can live a life where every day is productive, rewarding, and fun! Need an article for your e-newsletter? Why not use one of mine? Just keep the copyright/author information intact. I post new articles each week so please keep coming back.

Is it Safe to Multi-task?

2016-01-05T09:27:12-05:00By |Multi-tasking|

Multi-tasking, multi-tasking, multi-tasking!!!  Good time management strategy?  Poor time management strategy? This is certainly an interesting topic in time management circles. Some experts claim that multi-tasking is nonproductive in all instances. Others claim that multi-tasking can be beneficial. Still others straddle the line stating that multi-tasking could be helpful, depending on the circumstance. Regardless of what the experts believe, advocate, and teach - the reality is [...]

Stress Free Holidays – Step 3 Decide

2016-12-07T20:01:20-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Overwhelm|

We are continuing our journey to a Stress Free Holiday Season. So far you have created a vision of what you would like your holiday to look like and you have listed all the activities you are currently doing.  Today I want you to decide how much you actually enjoy doing these activities.  We are going to make the connection between what you WANT [...]

Invest in Yourself…Create your Economy

2016-12-07T20:01:21-05:00By |Awesome People, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Are you always presenting the best version of you?  When you are running behind - you give the impression that you are disorganized, possibly even selfish.  When you are shuffling papers and looking for items in your bag - you are not exactly projecting an air of confidence. When I work with clients on creating the life they want to live by implementing strong time [...]

What is Your Most Common Time Frustration?

2016-12-07T20:01:21-05:00By |Overwhelm|

This past week I was asked by a couple of people - how do I know if I need help?  If I'm going through each day crossing items off a list - wouldn't I feel productive?  How do I know if I'm not actually being productive? where brits belonging This is a great question - and it reminds me of the 4 Stages of [...]

A.W.E. Inspired – Action

2016-12-07T20:01:21-05:00By |AWE|

Welcome to another A.W.E Inspired post! "An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox." - Lao Tzu [tweetability]Are you moving forward today?[/tweetability]   Try following this 3 step approach as you create change. A - Awareness Where are you today? W - Work How can you move forward today? E- Evaluation How can you improve your action today?   Additional A.W.E. [...]

Create A.W.E. Inspired Action with Creative in Business

2016-12-07T20:01:21-05:00By |AWE, Overwhelm|

Recently, a potential client remarked, "I'm putting everything I have into building my business.  I'll spend more time with my family once my business is in a good place." I asked, "How will you know when you reach 'a good place'?" I wasn't trying to be difficult - but often we get caught up in our day to day life  and  lose sight of [...]

Seven Simple Steps to Handling Paper and Information Successfully

2016-12-07T20:01:22-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Brenda Spandrio Knowing that paper clutter is a challenge for many of my clients, I decided to reach out to my "virtual world" for a guest post.    One of the great things about participating in the Ultimate Blog Challenge is the opportunity to meet awesome professionals.  One of these professionals is Brenda Spandrio, also known as The Declutter Lady. Brenda was kind enough to [...]

Stress Free Holidays – Step 2 Reality

2016-12-07T20:01:22-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Overwhelm|

In a previous post I shared that one of the greatest causes of stress for many of my clients is living up to their own expectations during the holidays.  They become overwhelmed trying to make everything perfect  . . . or just trying to “get it all done”! Over the next few months I’ll be creating a number of posts to help you take [...]

My “Go-to-Gal” for Delegation

2017-03-27T14:46:39-04:00By |Awesome People, Delegation and Elimination|

Did you ever have someone pop into your life at just the right time?  Holly Matson, creator of Lightseeds by Holly, was just that person for me.  I was getting ready to launch my first virtual program and switch over to a new website.  I could hardly keep up with writing all the copy – and forget about proofing it!  A colleague recommended I hire [...]

How Does a Time Strategy Visionary Schedule Her Day? Part 2

2016-12-07T20:01:22-05:00By |AWE, Calendars, Delegation and Elimination, Overwhelm|

Yesterday I posted that I was going through a feeling of overwhelm.  Many time demands caused me to shift to choosing my priorities each day based on deadlines - not based on importance.  Rush, rush, rush, rush, rush!  UGGG!  (Wondering what in the world I'm talking about?  Check out yesterday's post!) So, like any good time strategy visionary, I implemented the A.W.E. principle to [...]

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