As the end of the year approaches, are you feeling relaxed and successful, or are you filled with dread at the thought of your endless to-do list?

Are you too exhausted to actually enjoy your achievements – knowing your life is about to get even busier?

Getting organized and clear on your focus is the key to creating a productive and stress-free November and December. (Think Ho Ho YES – not Ho Ho NO!!)

One of the easiest ways to overcome the overwhelming feeling of “I have soooooooooo much to do” is to break a BIG project down into small tasks.

Over the next few weeks I’ll create a framework so you can feel stress-free and organized during the end of the year.  Be sure to stop back next week for Step #1 – What Does Success Look Like? 

(If the idea of planning for December now stresses you out – bookmark this page and come back!)


What steps have you found beneficial in creating a stress-free end of the year?  Please post below!