The 30 Day A.W.E. Inspired Challenge started today!  Should you be with us?

I have had a number of opportunities recently to share my 3 step process to go from Overwhelmed to A.W.E.

If you are interested in creating A.W.E. inspired change, and learn more about the 30 Day A.W.E. Inspired Challenge, then I invite you to check out any of the following resources!

Guest Posts & Articles

  • I was invited to create a guest post for the awesome Delia Rusu at BlogFormatting.  Delia helps women bloggers stay in their comfort zones.  She helps you make your blog posts easy to read and more engaging visually! Delia takes your blog from dull to sparkle, so that you can stay in your genius zone, focusing solely on writing your blog.
  • To read (and comment) on my post on Samantha King’s blog It’s an Entrepreneur Thing  click here!  Samantha is a marketing strategist and social and online media manager for small businesses – AND first-time small business owner.  Plus, she’s pretty cool!
  • Keri Kight, author of 5 Secrets to Living a Happy and Healthy Life, is currently sharing my post Create Happiness and AWE.  If you are looking to create a stronger, happier you, check Keri out!
  • Rachel Hunziker, Owner and Head of Operations for Little Acorn Media, explains why she is joining the A.W.E. Challenge in an article written for the Geauga News.  Geauga News is a first rate publication, and your source for POSITIVE local news!  How often do you see a newspaper that is ALL positive?

If you prefer to listen instead of read I have something for you also!  Learn more about the A.W.E. Challenge and how to create A.W.E. inspired action on these platforms.


  • Recently I had the opportunity chat with Sushant Misra from TrepTalks about my experience working with clients that feel overwhelmed.   If you are an entrepreneur and haven’t found his site yet – I highly encourage you to spend a few minutes exploring.  He has interviewed a number of experts and offers tremendous support for entrepreneurs.
  • Kelly Galea is the visionary behind Creative in Business and helps professionals find their unique place in the world, and discover how to tap into their unique skills and prosper from them.   Her interview, Create A.W.E. Inspired Action, is available here.
  • Cathy Sexton, host of Ignite Your Productivity on the Amazing Women of Power Radio Network, is a Productivity Strategist and Certified Noah’s ARC Coach.   Our interview, Create an A.W.E. Inspired Stress – Free Holiday, is available now for your listening pleasure.

Yep – I just provided you with SEVEN different ways to determine if you are ready for A.W.E. Inspired change!  Are you ready to join the challenge yet?

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