The Delegation & Elimination category focuses on creating more time in your schedule by eliminating and delegating activities. Also included is techniques on how to say no.

Avoid This Delegation Pitfall!

2017-08-14T09:40:31-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

You know what you want done and the result is so clear in your mind so it should be easy to delegate, right? So why do you struggle with the process? Usually it's because you get so wrapped up in the "HOW", you end up micromanaging. When you delegate to skilled helpers, you need to give up control of the middle part or the [...]

How to Be a Delegating Machine

2017-07-20T13:26:18-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Typically when I work with business owners on delegating effectively, one of the top problems is getting them to realize it's ok to let go! They believe they are the only ones who can do the job . . . and it's difficult for them to give up control. (Yes - this is even AFTER they realize that they only have 168 hours each week . . [...]

Busting the Myth: Delegating Takes Too Long

2017-06-20T10:02:47-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Effectively delegating is a skill. As with any skill, the more you practice the better you become. Often clients share with me their HORROR stories of the times they have tried to delegate and “failed.” One of the common frustrations is that “by the time they explain it, they could have just done it themselves.” Depending on the task being delegated, this may be [...]

Take Control of Your Calendar with 4 Ds

2017-06-12T13:15:45-04:00By |capacity, Delegation and Elimination, Productivity|

How full is your schedule? Your calendar? Your to-do list? Often, you have A LOT on your plate . . .which limits your ability to spend time doing the activities that will best help you accomplish your goals. You don't intend for this to happen . . . it just does. Slowly one activity after another after another sneaks its way into your life until you are full [...]

The Solution to “I Don’t Even Know WHAT I Could Delegate”

2017-06-05T09:32:58-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

You have 168 hours each week to design your life. You use some of the hours for sleeping, some for exercising, some for eating, some for showering, some for work, some for family. Do you use more or less than your allotted 168? (Click here to download your complimentary copy of Your Magic 168 Action Guide to help you make more effective use of [...]

How to Eliminate What Is Not Essential

2017-04-10T15:14:57-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

To paraphrase Leo Babauta in the Power of Less, simplicity boils down to two things: Identify the essential Eliminate the rest Seems pretty simple (pun intended), right? [su_youtube url="" width="360" height="280"] But in reality- it can be a little tougher! It takes focus to identify what really is essential, and follow-through to eliminate the rest. I've been working on implementing this principle for about 4 months now with varying [...]

Get More Done by Delegating…Like a Pro!

2017-03-28T15:17:29-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

When you have dozens of tasks on a bursting-at-the-seams to do list, you just have to work harder, right? WRONG! This is the time to work SMARTER, not harder, and hand some of those tasks to someone else. After all, there are only 168 hours in your week, and when you try to do EVERYTHING, you'll either forget about or neglect to do something important - for [...]

Burning Questions: How to Use Time Effectively

2016-12-07T20:00:01-05:00By |Awesome People, Delegation and Elimination|

Recently I had the privilege of having a conversation with the fabulous Meredith Liepelt of Rich Life Marketing, to answer some questions presented by her listeners and clients. I shared my experience and my clients' experiences with how to increase capacity and achieve more, but without giving up "me time." Meredith works with people who accomplish a lot and have high aspirations for themselves and [...]

My Kingdom for a Paperclip: Plan Your Maintenance Activities

2017-07-07T10:47:51-04:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Prioritizing|

One of my favorite sayings when working with clients is "my kingdom for a paperclip." When I use this typically I'm referring to having a big project stall due to lack of planning or not keeping an eye on the details. In your attempt to build your capacity, you are doing a great job keeping the big picture in mind. You may be using [...]

Delegate Like a Pro Even If You Have No One to Delegate To

2016-12-07T20:00:08-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

Does that title sound like an impossible goal to you? Are you tired of being busy, busy, busy all day long, but don't feel any closer to accomplishing your goals? You KNOW you need to create some time in your day to just think so you can approach tomorrow with a plan.  Yet the reality is - how in the world can you find the [...]

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