About Lisa Mallis

Lisa Crilley Mallis, lover of chocolate, the beach, and country music. and owner of SystemSavvy Consulting, LLC is a time strategy visionary. She is a master at cutting to the heart of overwhelm to help you regain control of your schedule and experience life. Lisa assists overextended and overwhelmed professionals to implement concrete techniques that can be applied immediately to their daily lives. You can live a life where every day is productive, rewarding, and fun! Need an article for your e-newsletter? Why not use one of mine? Just keep the copyright/author information intact. I post new articles each week so please keep coming back.

The Magic Three Solution to Overwhelm

2016-12-07T20:01:02-05:00By |Awesome People, Overwhelm|

Today I'd like to introduce my guest blogger, Alli March from the Scattered Squirrel.  Alli is a new friend of mine with a ton of resources.  As we explore the topic of overwhelm this month - I encourage you to check out the Scattered Squirrel for many valuable printables to help keep you organized.  You'll notice at the end of the post, Alli shared [...]

A.W.E. – the Antidote to Overwhelm

2016-12-07T20:01:02-05:00By |AWE|

Does this sound like you? “There’s so much on my plate I’m choking!” “My to-do list takes up a whole legal pad!” “My mind is spinning – I don’t know what to pick up next! HELP!” [newsletter-sign-up-form] First step : BREATHE! Next step: Be A.W.E.’d! After learning about AWE, Wendy just emailed me to say, “My biggest learning so far is that I need [...]

Eliminate Overwhelm by Shifting Your Perspective

2016-12-07T20:01:02-05:00By |Overwhelm|

Last week I was speaking with a client about the vision for her business and her life.  She is currently in a transition period - she spent years building her business at the expense of some of her personal hobbies and enjoyment.  She is now ready to allocate more time to the pursuit of activities that make her happy. One of the avenues she [...]

Overwhelm – Mary’s Story

2016-12-07T20:01:03-05:00By |Awesome People, Overwhelm|

When I reached out to my network for stories on how "everyday people" move past a state of overwhelm, I was astounded at the responses.  Today's guest post is from Mary Slingluff - a fabulous, energetic entrepreneur.  Here's her story . . . Hi Lisa!  As you can imagine, dealing with overwhelm has been a challenge I have been faced with on [...]

Supportive People as a Cure for Overwhelm

2016-12-07T20:01:03-05:00By |Overwhelm|

“I’m so overwhelmed – I just don’t know where to start!”  This is one of the top complaints I hear from clients. Their plate is so full it’s overflowing! Sometimes they are overwhelmed by too many activities, deadlines, and obligations.  Sometimes they are overwhelmed as a result of some ADHD challenges.  Sometimes they are overwhelmed because they have a big project due.  Sometimes they [...]

A.W.E. Inspired – Goals

2016-12-07T20:01:03-05:00By |AWE|

"What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals ." - Zig Ziglar Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post! [newsletter-sign-up-form] Try following this 3 step approach as you create change. A - Awareness How can you show up today?  What is your #1 goal?  What is possible when you achieve this goal?  What will [...]

Get Ready to Tackle Overwhelm

2016-12-07T20:01:03-05:00By |Overwhelm|

Dear loyal reader – This month I’m focusing on moving past overwhelm. We’ve all been there – so many activities on our plates. A recent member of the A.W.E. Challenge emailed her challenge: Ugh  - I work 2 jobs and do a lot volunteer work ~ with one job being building a new business ~ I have a hard time prioritizing ~ I have [...]

Conquering “I Forgot” – Part 3

2016-12-07T20:01:03-05:00By |Overwhelm|

Did you realize that being stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed can decrease the effectiveness of your working memory? The busier you are, the greater the chance to forget something. Knowledge is power – recognizing the tendency to forget is the first step in remembering. [newsletter-sign-up-form] This is the fourth post in the “I Forgot” series. Regardless of the reason “you forget” – having some tried [...]

Why You Should Care About My Journey to “Why”

2016-12-07T20:01:04-05:00By |Awesome People, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

The 30 Day A.W.E. Inspired Challenge is winding to an end. For the last month, I’ve been fortunate enough to share my thoughts, techniques, and strategies with a motivated group of adults as they work towards applying laser action towards one area of their lives. [newsletter-sign-up-form] Exciting stuff!!! (Check back in a few days and I will share some the accomplishments from the challenge!) [...]

A.W.E. Inspired – Choice

2016-12-07T20:01:04-05:00By |AWE|

"When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice." - William James Welcome to another A.W.E. inspired post! [newsletter-sign-up-form] Try following this 3 step approach as you create change. A - Awareness How can you show up today?  What choices have you postponed making?  What would be different for you in 6 months if you make [...]

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