Last week I was speaking with a client about the vision for her business and her life.  She is currently in a transition period – she spent years building her business at the expense of some of her personal hobbies and enjoyment.  She is now ready to allocate more time to the pursuit of activities that make her happy.

One of the avenues she is exploring to make this happen is to develop a new revenue stream.  One where she can work less (have time for fun!) but still keep her income level steady.

She was feeling a bit overwhelmed with some of the decisions she needed to make.  She knows that her schedule is pretty tight right now, so to research this new revenue stream, she would need to delete something off her calendar.

“I would devote the time to researching this idea if I just knew for a fact it would be a success.  I have so much on my plate already, I really don’t want to add anything else unless I know for sure it’s going to work.”

Wouldn’t life be great if we had a crystal ball?

  • “What is success?”, I asked.
  • She replied, “Finances.  I need to make $X for this to work.”
  • “Is there any other definition of success you are willing to consider?”, I questioned.
  • After some thought, she exclaimed, “Yes!  This idea could lead to another idea.  Or, as I’m researching this, it might lead to some contacts I wouldn’t have otherwise made.  Also, if I decide to go down this path – my creative side will certainly be fed.”
  • “Ahhhh . . . additional ideas, new contacts, creativity . . . these outcomes would also signify success?” I replied.
  • “They would.  So even if the financial outcome at the beginning isn’t what I had hoped, there are certainly some secondary benefits.”

The moral of this story isn’t whether or not my wonderful, fabulous, creative client decided to pursue this new revenue stream.  Instead it’s that she was able to push through the overwhelm she was feeling by expanding her perspective.

Sometimes it can be difficult to deal in absolutes, black and white.  How could you know for sure that this new venture would be a financial success?   But when she expanded her view of success to include new contacts, additional ideas, and a creative outlet she had some additional data to use to make her decision.

Is it possible for you to expand your perspective?  Please comment below!

Image courtesy of renjith krishnam /