About Lisa Mallis

Lisa Crilley Mallis, lover of chocolate, the beach, and country music. and owner of SystemSavvy Consulting, LLC is a time strategy visionary. She is a master at cutting to the heart of overwhelm to help you regain control of your schedule and experience life. Lisa assists overextended and overwhelmed professionals to implement concrete techniques that can be applied immediately to their daily lives. You can live a life where every day is productive, rewarding, and fun! Need an article for your e-newsletter? Why not use one of mine? Just keep the copyright/author information intact. I post new articles each week so please keep coming back.

A Place for Everything

2016-12-07T20:00:31-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Good news! As you read the posts from each week, you have been diligently working to reduce your stress as the year draws to a close.  You realize that the hustle and bustle of the holidays, added to the actions you are taking to complete your year end goals, added to  your every day busy-ness .... isn't relaxing!  You concentrated on making THIS year [...]

Achieve Success By Practicing Conscious Abandonment

2016-12-07T20:00:31-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Goal Setting and Mind Set, Prioritizing|

As I look at my to-do list today - I wonder . . . what would happen if I didn't accomplish any of the items on it?  Are these tasks really important?  Will completing them get me closer to my goals?  OR  Are these just "things to do"? One of the traps that my clients fall into is the belief that because a task [...]

What Is Your Strategy?

2016-12-07T20:00:31-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Leslie Truex, of Work At Home Success, is an expert on helping entrepreneurs create successful and productive lives. An author, speaker and work-at-home expert, Leslie has made multiple national media appearances to encourage others to take action toward a successful and rewarding career working from home.  What a career she has - working at home in her pajamas whenever she likes, and teaching others [...]

Gift Giving Can Be Fun!

2022-05-09T13:58:51-04:00By |Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Congrats on continuing your journey towards creating a stress free and productive  year end! One of the areas that can create stress is gift giving.  Intellectually we realize, "It's the thought that counts" yet often the reality looks a little like this . . . Frantically wrapping gifts the night before you are to give them. Exhausted the next morning because you were up [...]

Schedule Time for Interruptions

2016-12-07T20:00:32-05:00By |Distractions and Procrastination, Prioritizing|

Even the most productive of us can get stuck in a rut. I recently received this email from a former client Jim, who struggled with constant interruptions (don’t we all, at some point?). Jim's sales team is one of the top performing teams in  his company.  He's a great sales trainer, and one of the things that makes him so great is his ability [...]

It’s YOUR Turn!

2016-12-07T20:00:32-05:00By |Overwhelm, Prioritizing|

How do you fill up your cup?  What activities GIVE you energy?  How can you recharge your batteries? Stop – and really think about this! Write a list! What do you love doing? How do you relax? (Do you need a little help getting started?  Here's some ideas: baking, sleeping, reading, meditating, exercising, yoga, being in nature, watching a romantic comedy, laughing with friends [...]

All or Nothing

2016-12-07T20:00:33-05:00By |Checklists & Systems, Delegation and Elimination, Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Why do we think that we can go from 0% activity to 100% activity overnight? Just because we can create a plan to implement an action, somehow we believe that the result is automatic. One of my coaching instructors calls this magical thinking. I like to think of it as, "Because I've decreed it, it must be so!" [Tweet "Move out of the "all [...]

Exercise Your Pause Muscle

2016-12-07T20:00:33-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

What are you grateful for? How often do you "hit pause" and actually think about it? In a recent session with a client, she began designing her action plan for the next week.  She was deciding which area she wanted to apply extra focus and effort: delegating or scheduling or estimating her time or email management or energy management (these were only a few [...]

Holiday Fun With Calendars

2016-12-07T20:00:33-05:00By |Calendars, Checklists & Systems, Delegation and Elimination, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Ready to start pulling all your "I can have a stress-free and productive end of the year" steps together?  Are you starting to wonder what to do with the multiple lists you've created in previous weeks and  how you are going to keep track of it all?  Today, we start to pull it all together! If you’ve just found the Stress Free Holiday Series [...]

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