Celebrating Simplify Your Life Week – Systems!

2016-12-07T20:01:30-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Recently I wrote a post regarding creating and using solutions that take your unique gifts, hopes, dreams, abilities, and strengths into account.  I built on the idea that since each person is different, the solutions should also be different.  One size really doesn’t fit all.  This post generated a couple of emails asking the question, “Is there ever a time you can use a [...]

How to Get Into “Work Mode” Even if You Work From Home

2016-12-07T20:01:31-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

I've found that turning actions into habits is a great way to create lasting change.  We identify an obstacle, create a structure or routine to overcome this obstacle, and then refine our process until we no longer need to think about the solution - it becomes automatic. For many of my clients initiating action is a challenge. We know "the advantage of working from home is [...]

The Real Truth Behind One Size Fits All

2016-12-07T20:01:32-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Our "one size fits all" 1902 replica jersey! I recently took my 13 year old nephew to the Cleveland Indians game.  Game time was 7:05 pm, however gates opened at 4:30 pm.  We arrived at 4:20 pm.  Why so early you ask?  Because the first 10,000 fans received a 1902 replica jersey.  My nephew couldn't wait to get his jersey.  We planned [...]

Is This Why You Aren’t Succeeding With Accomplishing Your Priorities?

2016-12-07T20:01:32-05:00By |Calendars, Prioritizing|

When do you feel you are most efficient?  How do you balance scheduled and unscheduled activities each day, week, month?  Do you work with a regimented 15 minute scheduled calendar, or do you have a weekly task list, or something in between?  What is your master strategy for effective time management? In the last 2 days, I participated in conversations with 3 different coaches on this [...]

The Dolly Parton Approach to Time Management

2015-05-23T09:39:41-04:00By |Calendars|

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton. This is one of my favorite quotes - and I really can apply it to many, many, many situations! For today . . . RAIN = PLANNING RAINBOW = STRESS FREE SCHEDULE  When you build in 10 - 15 minutes each day, and an hour at [...]

Time Management Strategy – “Doing Things”

2016-12-07T20:01:35-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Source: Uploaded by user via Lisa on Pinterest     Your time management strategy for today - just do things! I found this quote, "We have a strategic plan, it's called doing things" on Pinterest - and had a little giggle! (Especially because recently I participated in a 6 hour strategic planning meeting!) Sometimes accomplishing a goal or making the most of your time, really [...]

Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 2 and the Pareto Rule

2016-12-07T20:01:39-05:00By |Prioritizing|

Today is Day 2 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge - I am committing to blogging every day for the month of July. (If you aren't familiar with the challenge - I invite you to check it out!)    This means - you will be getting LOTS of content from me this month! Now, if you've been following my blog for awhile - you know that [...]

Christmas in July

2016-12-07T20:01:39-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Did you enjoy the holiday season last year?  Or, did you feel stressed, over-whelmed, out-of-control, and thankful when January finally arrived? Were you wrapping gifts on December 24th (or possibly purchasing gifts on December 24th) or were you sitting back enjoying a quiet moment reflecting about the reason for the season? Many of us get caught up in what we "should" do during the holiday's that we don't enjoy [...]

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