“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.”

– Dolly Parton.

This is one of my favorite quotes – and I really can apply it to many, many, many situations!

For today . . .



When you build in 10 – 15 minutes each day, and an hour at the end of the week to plan, you truly can live a stress free and relaxed week.  By building in plenty of transition time into your schedule you won’t be stressed about running late.  By scheduling your priorities first, you won’t worry about trying to fit in the important parts of your life.  By planning time for self-care, you won’t be crabby and tired in the evenings and on the weekends.

Sure – planning isn’t “sexy”, it isn’t “fun”, and it certainly doesn’t feel like it directly brings in additional income (hence, it’s kind of like rain!).  But the benefits of the planning  . . . well . . . it is the rainbow!

Where could you apply this quote?