My wish for you: may your holiday be filled with the gifts that matter most . . .
- the gift of joy,
- the gift of peace,
- the gift of love,
- the gift of friendship,
- the gift of hope,
- the gift of family,
- the gift of laughter,
- and the gift of health.
- AND . . . most importantly . . . all the time desired to enjoy these gifts!
[Tweet “Pull out your 2017 calendar RIGHT NOW and schedule in the activities that are most important to you.”]
How do you create all the time you desire to enjoy these gifts? Plan! Pull out your 2017 calendar RIGHT NOW (yep – I’m yelling!) and schedule in the activities that are most important to you.
Schedule your …
- vacation time
- “me” time
- date night
- exercise time
- family time
- creative time
- hanging with friends time
- laughter time
When you schedule these appointments into your calendar an amazing thing happens. You stop looking at these activities as “taking time away” and instead see them as an opportunity to “recharge, invigorate, and stay true to your values.”
Your mindset moves from feeling as if you have a scarcity of time to having an abundance of time.
Plus, if it is in your calendar, you’ll do it!
See you in January!
Would you like to get a head start on that planning with some objective help? You can start 2017 right – achieve MORE without giving up your nights and weekends, or any of those important things listed above. Schedule a complimentary Discovery Session to increase your capacity!
Important!! These appointments are complimentary, but to be really clear, they are limited in number and reserved for people who meet these criteria: You are willing and ready to improve your current situation You are ready to invest money in your potential so you can experience different results You are willing to push your comfort zone (just a little to start!) If this is you, click below to find your next steps.
[su_button url=”” style=”bubbles” background=”#99128b” size=”6″ center=”yes”]Click Here to Schedule Your Complimentary Session![/su_button]
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