The goal setting and mind set category focuses on creating and implementing goals.

Do you do ALL your thinking in the shower?

2019-04-03T08:39:45-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

It's common to hear business owners say, “I do my best thinking in the shower.” In fact, one of my clients actually has a waterproof notepad that he uses in the shower to jot down ideas. I know I periodically get some great ideas for posts while in the shower. (Ironically, this is not one of them!) The question is - why?! Why do [...]

Sorry I’m Late!

2024-02-01T16:55:07-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Overwhelm|

When I hear, "Sorry I'm late!" from someone, I know that the real meaning is usually, "I planned to leave on time but had to put out a fire!" Now, I’ll admit, I DO surround myself with high achieving, passionate business owners. They do have a lot on their plate. They are juggling multiple roles. They also are NOT in the fire safety profession [...]

Peak Productivity and Morning Routines

2018-11-19T08:19:20-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Even if you are not a "morning person," creating routines to start your day has been proven to lead to increased focus and productivity. In the article The Morning Routine Experts Recommend for Peak Productivity, author Eric Barker outlines five simple steps to help you begin your work day with a bang. Sample tip:  create "protected time" to work on your most important goals for the [...]

Your Future Self Isn’t That Great

2018-03-05T13:35:04-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Hal Hershfield, a professor at UCLA, conducted a study on brain scans and learned something important: when you think about your present self vs. a stranger, the scans look very different. But when you think about your future self and a stranger, the scans look the same. What does this mean? According to Chris Bailey author of The Productivity Project, this means that the [...]

Is 5:00 in the Morning the Magic Hour?

2017-12-29T14:42:12-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Productivity|

Pick up five books on productivity and I guarantee at least three of them will advocate getting up an hour earlier. It’s quieter then so you’ll have fewer distractions. You can start your day off working on your most important tasks without being interrupted. You can start your day proactively. In fact, I recently presented a workshop on scheduling and setting up a calendar, [...]

How to Overcome Shiny Object Syndrome

2017-09-04T11:07:21-04:00By |Distractions and Procrastination, Goal Setting and Mind Set, Productivity|

When it comes to “new ideas” business owners are inundated with them. “Too many ideas and not enough time or help to implement them all!” is a common refrain. A key to success is having a framework for deciding which ideas to pursue and which are just the “next shiny object.” The Challenge If you’ve ever thought, “I get all excited and I want [...]

The Art of Asking for Help

2017-08-08T09:52:12-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Productivity|

Charlene is busy. Charlene is the mother of three young children, and is concerned about her aging parents. She owns a thriving clothing business, is a member of three networking groups, and volunteers at her children's school whenever she can. Down time? Charlene doesn't know the meaning of down time!! Although she takes care of the bare necessities each day, her focus is on [...]

What is YOUR “Big Yes”?

2017-07-06T16:52:30-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set, Productivity|

Jane has a great day planned. Her morning will be spent on finalizing her big presentation for next week. After processing email, she'll write her next two blog posts, and then run to the grocery to get dinner ready for herself and her husband. Real-life: Jane starts her big presentation, but is interrupted by an urgent text from a client. After spending an hour [...]

A Case Study: When Goals Change

2017-06-14T14:49:55-04:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

When you align your vision, goals, and actions, success is guaranteed. Think about it, as long as the activities you spend your time on each day relate directly to the path you want your life to take, you will be living a life of intention, focused on the priorities that are most important. Seems simple, right? One of my clients (we'll call her DeAnn) always [...]

20 Ways to Reduce Stress

2017-04-25T09:55:35-04:00By |Checklists & Systems, Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Stress, anyone? I know – with all that we NEED to accomplish, all the we WANT to accomplish, and all the STUFF going on each day, it can be easy to feel stressed! Here’s a list I ran across in Think and Grow Rich for Women by Susan Lechter that can help you reduce stress in your life. AND . . . once you [...]

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