Is This Why You Aren’t Succeeding With Accomplishing Your Priorities?

2016-12-07T20:01:32-05:00By |Calendars, Prioritizing|

When do you feel you are most efficient?  How do you balance scheduled and unscheduled activities each day, week, month?  Do you work with a regimented 15 minute scheduled calendar, or do you have a weekly task list, or something in between?  What is your master strategy for effective time management? In the last 2 days, I participated in conversations with 3 different coaches on this [...]

How “Berry” Reduced Stress by Delegating

2016-12-07T20:01:33-05:00By |Delegation and Elimination|

A few days ago I shared how my client (we'll call her Berry) started to create new habits in her life using routines.  I'd like to visit another piece of the “what’s working now” conversation we had - and focus on the success she has created recently through delegating. Like many of my clients, Berry is a complex individual balancing many roles  . . . mother                                 [...]

The Dolly Parton Approach to Time Management

2015-05-23T09:39:41-04:00By |Calendars|

"The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain." - Dolly Parton. This is one of my favorite quotes - and I really can apply it to many, many, many situations! For today . . . RAIN = PLANNING RAINBOW = STRESS FREE SCHEDULE  When you build in 10 - 15 minutes each day, and an hour at [...]

Covey’s Quadrant 2 IS the Most Fun!

2021-12-17T09:25:41-05:00By |Prioritizing|

I first learned about Covey's 4 Quadrants in the late '90s and have referenced the concept both personally and professionally with my clients consistently since. I preach, "Our goal is to spend as much time as possible in Quadrant 2."  Or, "With enough preplanning, we move from Quadrant 1 to Quadrant 2."  But, until recently, I never realized that Quadrant 2 was the most [...]

Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 2 and the Pareto Rule

2016-12-07T20:01:39-05:00By |Prioritizing|

Today is Day 2 of the Ultimate Blog Challenge - I am committing to blogging every day for the month of July. (If you aren't familiar with the challenge - I invite you to check it out!)    This means - you will be getting LOTS of content from me this month! Now, if you've been following my blog for awhile - you know that [...]

Christmas in July

2016-12-07T20:01:39-05:00By |Checklists & Systems|

Did you enjoy the holiday season last year?  Or, did you feel stressed, over-whelmed, out-of-control, and thankful when January finally arrived? Were you wrapping gifts on December 24th (or possibly purchasing gifts on December 24th) or were you sitting back enjoying a quiet moment reflecting about the reason for the season? Many of us get caught up in what we "should" do during the holiday's that we don't enjoy [...]

Celebrate Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day!

2016-12-07T20:01:40-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Monday is Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day!  So - what does this have to do with time management?  Nothing - I just want you to create your own flavor of ice cream.  Just kidding! Today's post is about self-care. The number one way to increase your productivity is to work more - right?  Let's take adding a new team member as our example.  Pretend your close [...]

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