We are more than halfway through January and I’m curious . . . where are you with dedicating time to your Q1 goals?

Have you been majoring in the minors (doing all the little check-‘em-off-the-to-do-list tasks) and running out of time to work on your important strategic objectives?

I get it – it can be really satisfying to check off 6 tasks in 20 minutes.


It can be really frustrating to realize that you haven’t moved forward on the important parts of your business in the last few weeks. (And if you haven’t, what are the odds the people you are leading have?)

Here’s your How Your Business Can Thrive Through the Day-to-Day Busyness Plan:

AWARENESS – What is pulling you from spending your time strategically? You scheduled it – why don’t you keep the appointment?

WORK – Create a structure to eliminate this “pull.”

  • If you are drawn to the instant gratification of crossing things off your list first thing in the morning, then set a timer for 30 minutes, get as much of the small stuff completed as you can, and move immediately into strategic-thinking mode instead of spending all morning on email.
  • If you are fighting fires during your strategic implementation time, figure out how to put out the fires in advance. You know they are coming; how can you shift from reactive to proactive mode?
  • If you sit down to plan, don’t know where to start, and so start scrolling Facebook, create one 10-minute action step to take. The whole project may be overwhelming, but a small part of a project is so doable.

EVALUATE – What is working? How can you do more of that?

Want some assistance customizing your plan? Let’s have a complimentary conversation. Schedule your time below and be the leader who gets it done!

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