I love checklists!  I sincerely believe that if you do an activity more than once, or if the activity has multiple steps, you should use a checklist. A good checklist will take the pressure off our brains to “remember” – helping to avoid the “overwhelm” feeling.  For additional strategies to overcome overwhelm, please visit these previous posts.


Also, having a step-by-step process to follow eliminates the need to redo steps because they were out of order.  (How many times do you start a project – only to need to switch gears half way through because you forgot something?)

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Where can you use a checklist to save time and avoid overwhelm?  Here are some ideas to get you started . . .

  • morning routines
  • a sales process
  • paying bills
  • wedding planning
    systemsavvy consulting checklist

    Image courtesy of cool design / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

  • packing for vacation
  • starting a new business
  • meal planning
  • preparing your taxes
  • posting on your blog
  • marketing for an event
  • running a meeting
  • coaching a hostess
  • training a new team member
  • going to an amusement park
  • buying a car
  • preparing for a holiday
  • gardening
  • yearly cleaning activities
  • shooting a video
  • sending Christmas cards

As you can see, you are only limited by your imagination!

Please, add to the list!  What checklists do you use?  Comment below!


Main image courtesy of stuart miles / FreeDigitalPhotos.net