What I Learned from My First TV Appearance

2016-12-07T20:01:34-05:00By |Awesome People, Overwhelm|

Behind the scenes with TeeMcBee on Indelible Impressions! I'm famous!  Well - maybe not famous, but I did have the opportunity to be a guest on Indelible Impressions with TeeMcBee a few weeks ago.  TeeMcBee (the business persona of Traci McBride) hosts a show geared towards empowering her viewers to increase their awareness around different areas of personal and professional growth. I've often wondered [...]

One Year Older . . .

2016-12-07T20:01:40-05:00By |Goal Setting and Mind Set|

Happy Birthday to  . . . me! (Well, a day early!) Twice a year I take the time to take stock - my birthday and New Year's Day.  This is when I ponder the "thinking questions".  What is the state of my business?  The state of my life?  What progress have I made so far on my goals for the year?  What strategies and techniques are working?  Which ones [...]

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